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Positioning a new pond

Started by BAZ, March 19, 2007, 14:41:46

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Hi all

I want to use an area of my allotment to build a pond, however the area is covered in fiberous roots, when I dig in to it. Will the roots pierce through the liner ??? Or can anyone make any suggestions how to get around this, as I want to attract more wildlife onto the plot.  :D

Thanks for any suggestions





well, no doubt there'll be some anti this but we had a very wet, overgrown hole in the ground on our plot so we put down a sand, carpet, then the liner, seems to be okay, there were brambles and stuff in there  ;D


Thanks manicscousers

How did you get on the other month, did you find that garden centre, near rainhill stoops?

Baz ::)


no, we had a bad month, lots of hospital and doc's appointments, also in laws(88), were having troubles so we went to the range in wigan and picked up some from there , thanks for the tip anyway, may have a run out there soon  ;D

Tin Shed

I used an old bath for my pond so didn't have to worry about roots etc - had to dig a great big hole though.

Mrs Ava

Ponds are frowned upon on our site although 2 people do have them.  I would like one just to get some toads and frogs around to munch on the slugs.

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