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I like Prince Charles

Started by OllieC, April 08, 2007, 15:24:25

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I went to Hardwick Hall last weekend and ended up researching Elizabethan history as a consequence.

If you research it, it makes VERY good reading!

Not sure that the 'Tower Of London' tales are contemporary (but you never know .. Tony could still end up in there despite the desperate pleas to her mageystie Elizybethe 2 from Cheryie the 4th Duchess of of Essex)

Anyway ..the point is: Prince Charles has some very strange NUTTERS in his lineage. His father being one of them.

I urge you all to research the history of our illustrious monarchy and come to a credible conclusion.

This is possibly herecy. OFF WITH MY HEAD!

Stick it on the compost heap!

The Devil Invented Dandelions!


The Devil Invented Dandelions!


And the alternative???? George W Bush?? :o Jacques Chirac? :o :o  Silvio Berlusconi? :o :o :o Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  :o :o :o :o

Give me the House of Windsor any time......
... or better still some of our other and saner European royal families. (e.g. Belgium, Holland, Spain)
You pay just as much if not more for presidents but they have real power... ouch whereas our lot don't.


4 words in support of the monarchy:
President Thatcher
President Blair

Sends a shudder down my spine just typing this!


He has some good ideas but I have to say when I worked for him as a woodsman in the sixties in Cornwall, we could not get a council house because we had just moved into the county for the job with the Duchy. He did not let me have a house, rent free, or rented, and we had to live in a static caravan. I did not bother to go and see him on the annual visit of his to see his Duchy estate. We did not stay in Cornwall long term. That made us feel most unwelcome.
I am glad to hear his comments about all the things that have been lost by bad managemant. When I worked for him 245-T was in common use and he had a gang killing off young hardwood trees so we could plant conifers. I remember it well as one day we were working higher up the valley and felt sick and had to mave to another work place because of the fumes from the 245-T. They sprayed it in diesel oil from knapsack sprayers. The poor chaps, Fred Sorrel and Ivor Crimp had to wear full waterproof suits and wellies with respirators struggling on the steep valley slopes.
We were also planting up conifers in old orchards of fruit trees with that were cleared for firewood by the locay itinerant fraternity.
The really steep ground was grubbed out with a Drot (bulldozer) and swipe (rotary cutter that would cut 3" trees easily) We also had to do frill girdling of trees with I think 245-T or something else very lethal, again to kill them. We then went back later and planted rows of conifers through the dead trees. We used to hack around each tree and put crystals in the cut to kill the tree, and sometimes a spray. My mate and I as teenagers in our first proper job since college made our thoughts known and eventually got out of that job. He would be proud of us now, but I bet he would of sacked us then if he had known.
Moan over. He does have good ideas but manages to forget what has been done in the past on the Duchy estate, because it had to make profit we were told.


VERY interesting insight IPT!

Trix X
The Devil Invented Dandelions!

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