Looking for allotment near Kensington and Chelsea

Started by veggiewomble, April 13, 2007, 23:08:20

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So does anyone know of available (non-council) allotments in the west London area? I live in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea and (boo hoo) there aren't any allotments available in the borough, so I have to look elsewhere. The closest vacancies I've found are all in the Harrow, Wembley etc. areas, does anyone know of anything closer?

Of course I'd love a plot of my own, but I am happy to share a sub-plot too if there's anyone willing...

I love the idea of growing my own veg, but am wondering how much work maintaining an allotment entails, I was thinking maybe a couple of hours every week to begin with but I am wondering if that is naive!

Thanks for any pointers,



Does it have to be West London?

I don't know if there are vacancies but you could try:

Vauxhall Allotments (c/o Vauxhall City Farm)
Tyers Street

These are very small, so are easy to manage if you just have a couple of hours per week.

Good luck


Doesn't have to be west London but I was under the impression that all the sites south (Lambeth, Vauxhall, Battersea, etc) of the river were all eligible to borough-only residents. I had given up hope, so was hoping to find some plots west of here. It is usually easier to travel out west also, especially on weekends....

Thanks for the tip, I'll try and find out about the Vauxhall allotments and hope the waiting list isn't too long!


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