Fuschias transplanting/cuttings

Started by Sallysima, May 16, 2007, 18:53:04

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Hi everyone

My grandfather planted 2 bushes in 1963 which are still going strong.  I will be moving some time this year and would like to know if:
1) Is it possible to transplant the bush?
2) If not, how do you take good cuttings?



Hi Sally'. Good question but might get more response in the 'basics' or flowering plant section.

Rhubarb Thrasher

Fuschias are just about the easiest plant to take cuttings from (after bizzy Lizzies). Tho some people frown on it, rooting cuttings in water is the easiest way. Use a very sharp knife and cut a 3-4 inch stem just below a node (where the leaves are). Remove the lover leaves and any flower buds and root in a jam jar with water in it. I cover the jam jar with cling film and poke the stem through, with it being supported by the rest of the leaves

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