Message to the person who cut off my squash plants at ground level

Started by Jeannine, May 16, 2007, 19:45:47

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So sorry to read this Jeannine. Having such wicked, evil, sick, heartless b*stards in the world makes me appreciate even more the kind, gentle, thoughtful, generous people I know. People like you. xxxxxxx



Oh Jeannine,

that's terrible! >:( >:( >:(

I have some plants , but they are too big to post. If only you were nearer.

I hope all the comments on here will help you, as there may be some horrid people in the world, but there are loads of really nice people on A4A, who really appreciate you and all the chat and advice you give.

Thinking of you. Cyber hugs :D

cj :)


I truly don't think it was kids XX Jeannine

I have decided to seed I think,not the long growing ones.

Another thought has been in my head,I wonder if the plants will send up new shoots,they were not little transplants,they were large with a really good root sytem and have been in the ground a month or so.I have never had this happen before so I don't know the answer. I am not going to pull them out for a bit.

The good thing is that they didn't get Jack and Jill, they are growing upwards in a greenhouse. I have two growing at home too but can't remember which till I dig out my records at the weekend. I remember keeping 4 back but can't remember why,Jack and Jill and 2 others???

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


From what you say, you do really need to identify this person, who may well be another allotment holder.  Maybe you could set up a discreet CCTV camera to try to get a picture.

You could then get them ASBO'd.

Otherwise they'll continue their spiteful games indefinitely.


Terrible news Jeannine. Far worse than having sheds or tools vandalised. Hope you can get some new plants up and running soon and put this behind you. Best wishes


Oh Jeannine, that's heartbreaking! I have a few spares, which I'd be more than happy to bring to the Barnsdale meet. I'm not a 100 % sure I'll be able to come yet (I need to find a lift from a station unless I drive all the way).

My spares are (1 of each):

Marina di Chioggia
Sugarloaf Delicata
Crown Prince
Red Kuri

I also have 2 spare Sunburst Pattypans


This sort of thing seems to happen so often, makes you wonder what these morons get out of their actions. So sorry about what has happened to you Jeannie. As others have said don't let them beat you. I only garden at home but because of hanging baskets being stolen I have to go to the trouble of wiring my baskets to the brackets. Makes me so cross.
Best wishes Lorna.


Jeannine, I'm devastated for you. What makes these creatures tick?

I think we've all suffered the odd bit of petty vandalism, but this is sick.

You must replant - just as an up yours.

Uncle Joshua

Sorry to hear that Jeannine, it sounds a little like kids rather than a personal vendetta.


How awful  :'( So sorry to hear this Jeannine XXXXXXX
The Devil Invented Dandelions!


Jeannine, like everyone else I'm absolutely speechless at this mindless vandalism, and furious on your behalf >:(
who knows why people choose to behave like that, or what kind of moron they are to get pleasure from destroying what someone else enjoys.
it seems that most allotment sites are subject to some kind of vandalism these days, it's happened on my site but "fortunately" only material objects have been destroyed, not plants.

don't let the b*****ds grind you down!!!

fingers crossed that some of your squash plants will fight back, if not do get something else in. as Trevor_D says, as an "up yours" to whoever did it.


If there is a clear footprint you should make a plaster mould of it for future reference. Failing that, draw a sketch of the tread and take some measurements to give an indication of size. My gut feeling is that it could be someone from the site itself rather than an outsider.

Anyway, if of any use I could spare a couple each of 'Sweet Lightning', 'Pattison Orange' and butternut (seeds from one I took from the local organic shop).


I'm so sorry to hear this Jeannine, it's horrible when it happens, you feel so helpless and angry.  The other week someone broke our fence, and walked (size 9+) the length of one of our raised beds, just planted with potatoes.  No damage done, but I was almost in tears, and was planning on evening vigils armed with a spade.  I can't imagine how you and your neighbours must be feeling.

These people do it because they can, they have no sense of other people's feelings, and are probably cruel to animals as well.
The Tuscan Beaneater


Just read the post Jeanninie and I'm sooooo sad for you and furious at the s*** of a person who did this! All will agree that you are such a kind and generous person, I'm gobsmacked that someone could do this to you...........
Camera seems like a good idea  >:(


Jeannine, you really must get some of those exploding cucumbers on your lottie. That would be one in the eye for them, eh? ;D ;D ;D\

cj :)

Deb P

I also have some spare squash plants I could bring to the Barnsdale meet if you would like them, I'm driving there so it will be no bother. I know you are coming by train, do you have one of those shopping trolleys on wheels or similar you could bring to take plants home with you? Or can John act as a Sherpa? ;D
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


I'm so sorry to hear this Jeannine. I have mixed feelings of sadness and anger.
How can anybody do something like this?  :(

My allotment suffers from all sorts of vandalism and harrassment too but I can't know if it's done by an intruder or a plot holder. Some people seem to think it's done by a jealous plot holder. Last year an old gentleman lost his pumpkins, a couple lost their 300 onions, another gentleman had his tomato plants slashed with knife, and the list goes on.
When I started the allotment last year I marked out small beds with strings so that it's not too daunting to tackle the wild plot. Every time I came to the plot the strings were cut or chopped in pieces. It was quite heartbreaking even though I didn't lose crop. I just felt like somebody really really hated me or something.

Don't let the sick person get to you Jeannine. I know it's such a terrible thing to happen but the sicko will be pleased when they see you upset...

SS sent me a couple of triamble seeds last year, which I sowed last month. Only one of them germinated. I'm going to hand pollinate it and save seeds. If I succeed I will be sending you the seeds, Jeannine. :)

Sending you a big hug,

Tora xxx


Hi J,

Although what has happened is awful, you must ot let yourself give up.

We had vandles here having football matches with the pumpkins from a couple of the plots but all the people unaffected offered to share there produce. So i think the hurtful thing here is that this might be someone on your site whom you knew and knowing you helped in the past. This betrayal is what hurt and why you are giving up.

I would think that if it was someone on your site targetting you then they would have taken out both plots and no one else would be affected.

I say plant again post a message on freecycle and see if anyone has some spare plants and sow some seeds. Or else in 6 weeks you will look back and regret it.

If you think it might happen again place a 6inch nail upright by the plant stem with the hope that they cut themselves next time ( but i really dont think they will hit the site again )


fossil hunter

The person who done this is SCUM. :( :( :(

They are probably jelous of the work you do with kids and on your lottie as they have not got a heart in their rotton body.

Keep your chin up, replant and sod 'em  :)


I filled all my 3 inch pots this morning and the seeds will in tonight,yesterday I fely hurt and angry and somewhat judgemental but today  I am back to being me again and yes they are sick,but perhaps better that they hit us rather than the older couple down the way who would not be able to build again.

Thank you all for all the hugs etc, it is wonderful to hear, like a family who come together at a moments notice, I know no-one can change it but it is great to know you care XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

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