bog plants or marginals?

Started by aquilegia, June 01, 2004, 13:02:38

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are these bog plants or marginals: hostas, geum, perennial lobellia? I've got myself all confuzzled about it!

Still haven't lined the pond (due to my recent incapacity, haven't been able to get round the garden centres)...
gone to pot :D


gone to pot :D


Hi Aqui - Can't help you with the plants I am afraid but would just like to say it's good to have you back, we wondered where you were :).......Pat (ps You will note I have changed my name since you were here)
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Hi Aqualegia.Geum are actually rock plants and prefer well drained soil.Lobellia and hostas can be grown in a variety of places,but not too boggy.They can actually be grown in normal soil as long as it is kept well watered.I have hostas at the moment that are taking over around my pond,with not a hole in site.Thank you froggies!! the lobellia too grows at the back near the fence and I have to stake it when it gets going.

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