Oxygenating plants/murky pond Qs

Started by Jill, June 11, 2007, 22:40:10

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Pond newbie here, so be gentle ;)  Month old but now very green, murky and slightly smelly pond.  Barley straw added, small solar fountain added, 12 oxygenating plants planted, along with three water lilies two weeks ago. 

Q1: Can I assume the bubbles appearing over where I know the ox plants reside indicate that the plants are doing their job?
Q2: Will it clear, if so how long will it take?  Should I be doing anything else to assist?



Green & murky is alright, smelly not so good. What oxygenators have you got? New ponds mostly need patience unless something's really wrong. It's been sunny a lot and ponds need surface coverage from plants so as they get going it should improve. Basically it has to find its balance. Is there fish? If not wait a bit before putting any in,if there is they might as well stay.
           I'd just wait, only thing is did you put compost or anything in with the lilies? If so take them out and repot with ordinary/poor soil-aquatic soil if you like but I don't believe in that-does it swim or what?

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