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Killer Cavalier!

Started by carolinej, June 19, 2007, 22:59:35

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Well, last night was a really bad night for me. My Cavalier KC Spaniel wanted to go into the veg section in my garden. I opened the gate to let her in, as I could keep an eye on her and stop her trampling everything.

Suddenly she pounced. I ran to see what she was up to. There was a vole sticking out of her mouth. It was still alive and it was gasping for breath and waving its front paws(?) wildly. I couldnt get her to drop it so I called my son. Between us we managed to get it out of her mouth and put her inside the house.

The vole was breathing really quickly, but looked unharmed. We watched to see how it would be. After a few minutes, it seemed to recover. When it tried to walk away, we could see that its back leg was badly broken and it kept on falling over.

I feel terrible about it, but I couldnt finish it off, so I called my sister, who is a vetinary nurse. She came around immediately, and killed it for me.

It was a really sad evening. I keep seeing the poor vole trying to get out of the dogs mouth. Gypsy was wondering what she had done wrong, as we wouldnt let her play with her 'treasure' she had found.

I thought only cats caught mice ??? I will have to keep a closer eye on her in future. Shame she wasnt so good at killing slugs ::)

cj :)



Can understand how you feel.  My whole life I've tried to come to terms with mother nature, natural instincts, survival of the fittest and all that, but still sort of expect my domesticated pets to know better. We feed them, water them etc. but they still do what comes naturally, The little graveyards in my garden bear testament . 
got a lottie got a life


Caroline Poor Gypsy I bet she  was wondering what was going on. How can you label her killer ;D  My KC Elsa is I am sure a wimp!! When she has found a frog in the garden she just keeps dabbing it with a paw but then swiftly steps back. I always rescue the frog but annoying when she finds one in the dark and I have to search with a torch.


We havent got any frogs, but last summer she drove us mad barking at the hedgehogs. I would move them out of the garden so them and us could get some peace and quiet, but they kept coming back!!

Fortunately no hedgehogs this year, or our neighbours may start to complain!!!

cj :)

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