Growing pumpkins through carpet?

Started by Mayapapaya, June 10, 2004, 10:56:25

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Hi. I'm new here (and new to allotment growing..)

I have recently taken on a plot which has just been rotavated but has lots of couch grass and other weeds all chopped up in the mix and ready to spring into action... so I am racing to dig over and clear patches of ground to get stuff planted before it is too late for this season (while at the same time keeping  my five year old and baby happy, amused and not eating too much soil...). What I can't clear I am covering up with as much carpet as I can find and leaving till next year.

Anyway, I had an idea (maybe I saw someone do this once, I can't remember...) that I could grow pumpkins and courgettes by roughly digging over a bed, spreading a load of manure, covering with carpet and planting the seedings out into holes cut in the carpet.  That way I can get those planted quickly, keep the weeds down on those beds and get on and clear some more ground for other crops.

Is this a good idea? ??? I am trying to be as organic as possible, because of the aforementioned soil-eating children!




Hi Maya, welcome to A4A, I'm also fairly new here and have found lots of friendly and helpful advice. I have never planted pumpkins in the way you explain but don't see why it wouldn't work. Just remember pumpkins like rich soil and lots of water so make sure they get the water they need under the carpet. The carpet should also act as a good mulch and keep the moisture in.
Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart - Russell Page



Sounds good to me. The muck will keep the pumkins happy and the carpet restrict the weeds - they do go for the light so they will appear at the edges and try to grow through the holes you made for the pumpkins



Sounds OK to me too - provided you aren't using a carpet with an impervious backing - which might channel the water into the wrong places. I'd create a raised tump full of good food for the plant, and sink a plant pot alongside it to water into (best to avoid pouring water into the centre - you can get water trapped & damage the heart of the plant.)
Sumer is a coming in....


Maya, I am growing about 8 pumpkins/squashes through carpet. I dug a big hole, filled it full of manure, then re laid the carpet.
Cut a big X, over the manure, and planted my plants
through. BIG word of advise though, lost 2 to SLUGS! :'( Had forgotten/ran outta time to put protection in the form of a cut off soda bottle round the plants! Worth doing ;D  They are all looking happy 2 weeks after planting!  ;D  Dottie P.
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


Wow! You folks are responsive! I will try this and tell you how it goes...thanks for the advice.



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