Who has had or is having a baby this year

Started by Jeannine, July 07, 2007, 20:28:29

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 This might seem like an odd question but I am curious just how many of us can put there hands up.. Parents and Grandparents...and if they are still bumps when are thay due XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


I did a burp this morning. Does that count?


Not unless you are sick in the mornings or are craving pickles with custard.
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Well, Jeannine, you know all about my 'grandbump', due christmas eve ;D

cj :)


I am so envious of that date it is so special, having said that I don't know how you will cope, at your busiest time. I jusr remembered I didn't get my date but it is February and our bump was 8 weeks last week. Do you know anything about this triple thingy they do to Mums, it involves blood work and another scan at 12 weeks? I don't think it is a general thing,I got  the impression it is for high risk pregnancies but I am so out of date I didn't know when she mentioned it and didn't want to ask in case it worried her.

XXX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Mmm, not heard of it, but I will ask Naomi if she knows anything about it.

cj :)


Hi jeannine- no bump for me I'm afraid ::) might adopt again at some point in the future but not this year....  regarding you question, I am on the admin team of this website:


it has a very good section called ask Rose (she is a member who happens to be a midwife)  there is also a very active preg section where you can ask other members questions. its free, and has a very similar layout to this site

Allotment Virgin!
Thirty-something Mum of one just taken on an allotment needing lots of work after a twelve month wait. Let the fun begin!


sam's due 15th october, we're all much more relaxed now and looking forward to it, she didn't have a triple thingy, jeannine, although she had miscarried last time, she has to have a glucose tolerance test now, as ray has been diagnosed with diabetes, hope everything goes ok, sam did have another scan at 12 weeks though, the little darlin' was turning somersaults  ;D


Manics do you know what the triple thingy is,I think it is the blood test to determine things like spina bifida etc but my daughter in law thinks not, maybe something got lost in the Dutch translation maybe there is another test they do there..

You still have way to go though, it is exciting but a little scary too as she miscarried too and I am willing the weeks away.

Gosh it has changed so much since I did my midwifery in the 60's , I hardly know anything anymore.

Thanks for the link Veggiemite I will take a look at that, I do wish you luck too, I think I take somethings for granted sometimes, it is not so easy for everyone. Hugs  XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


I thought the triple thingy blood test for spina bifida etc, was for certain ages, as sam's only just 30, she's a mite too young for that one..if your daughter in law's feeling fine, I think that says something about the babe, sam was very sick with the other one, never felt 'right'.. anyway, good thoughts winging their way  :)


I've been told there is another rugrat on the way near xmas.


When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.



When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


i became a mummy for the first time last october, so not this year but baby is only 8 months old.
she's my little helper at the lottie, when she starts crying for a bottle then it's brew time.


We had our second in Feb, a boy this time, took us all by surprise, he came 9 weeks early!
Doing grand now, even after 10 weeks in hospital.




Jeannine, do you mean an amniocentisis?  It is used to detect any possible chromosome abnormalities in the unborn child that may cause Down's syndrome or other congenital problems.
A sample of amniotic fluid is taken (which is why there is a risk factor) and analysed.
Don't throw paper away. There is no away.


3 more babies in our family. My first Great Grandchild. My great nieces little treasue born 10weeks early (3lb20z) still in hospital but gaining weight. Charlie's great niece's Wopper 9lb plus. Happy days and more birthdays to remember :)


Smashing  Lorna, 3 new ones!!

Emmy, no, I thought it was an amnio but my daughter in law said it isn't??

XX Jeannine

When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Ooo goodnes you grannys and grandads are gonna be busy with knitting and whatnot!

Jeannine - I had my first in 95 and second in 98 - the 2 1/2 years between them midwifery had changed quite a bit then... wouldn't like to hazard a guess how much it has changed in 10 years for me!

I do remember bloods at 12 weeks... one of them is risk of downsyndrome - chromosome check... think its pretty normal so dont worry too much.  If the count comes back high then they refer to an amnio.  Not sure what else they check at that time.

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