Slow braised Lamb with Courgette 'Balls'.

Started by tim, July 25, 2007, 18:13:51

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Miserable day so did a 1/2 Shoulder (courtesy Guardian Weeked). 4 hours on a bed of Onions 7 Garlic.. Boned & stuffed with the Onions. Chilled, cut up & reheated.

The Courgette 'Balls' (mentioned earlier) were great.



Hi tim, those courgetttes look great, how are you doing them? (i've looked but couldn't find your reference to them earlier?)  Hope you don't mind repeating  ::)

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened


Oh!    doesn't that lamb look mouthwateringly good :P   I can almost taste it....wish I could!

yes, I must 'look' to see where you've mentioned courgette balls before...maybe in the recipe thread? ;)


I do love seeing all your lovely meals, Tim, even if I don't eat meat.  I think you should produce a book of them with step by step pics - Allotment Cooking or somesuch.   :)


HP - page 2 of 'Courgettes' below -

And the 7 Garlic was meant to be & Garlic. But you do use 6!


Mmmmmm corgette and feta go so well together! thanks for the recipie Tim


a really stupid question I'm sure do I make the print bigger so I can read it having clicked onto your link Tim (or anyone) please......would like to know how to make them ???


HP just move the cursor over the print & the arrow should change to a little 'plus' sign +, just click & it will enlarge the print.  :)


Yes, cursor on recipe but then I have to click on the arrow thing at the bottom.


thank you both so much :-*

couldn't get the cursor to change to a plus sign but saw this little symbol come up down in the corner...clicked that and 'hey presto'.....recipe sounds fab!


I too made the courgette balls from Saturday's Guardian magazine . Didn't squeeze them quite enough though and had to add more floury which made the result a bit stodgy. Here'a a direct link to the recipe,,2132983,00.html

Also made the ricotta tart today. Yummy!  (but needs blind baking for longer than suggested in the recipe, especially if you use a ceramic dish as I did.),,2132993,00.html


You were supposed to add more[ b]breadcrumbs[/b]? I added more than double. But they fry up quite well even though you can barely handle them.

I burst the antique cloth I was squeezing them in!!


I didn't have enough breadcrumbs in the house, but yes I imagine it would be lighter using more breadcrumbs.



Thanks for those recipes - they sound delicious.  I definitely will try the courgette balls.

Tim: I also love using shoulder lamb - I find it a cheap cut of meat and very flavousome if cooked right.  Also lamb rib is good but that I use in a curry. 

Yummy!!! :P

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