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Gif animations

Started by Gardengirl, June 09, 2004, 11:21:56

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As you will see, I have lost the link to my avatar :'( and can't gain access to the animation site.  Anyone else experienced this, and if so, can you point me in the direction of another good site.
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Happy gardening all...........Pat


Garden girl, I too lost my link, but because I think, I had it on HPPhoto, have now reposted my gif in photobucket, and it is working fine! Hope this helps DP
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


DP - I didn't have mine on HP, I copied the link straight from the animations site (, but now I just get the Bad Gateway sign when I try tp gain access to the site.  Thanks anyway :)
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Strange ???  my avatar has mysteriously re-appeared.  Now how can that be ::)
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Tis the Gif fairy! ;D
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.

ken (69)

Hi Pat and Doris...just about to post where can I can get a diddy picture.Do I just pick one and hope I don't duplicate.


Hi Ken !suggest that you do a search as there are full instructions somewhere along the line. Briefly go to sayGoggle images select yourself one copy and paste the URl between [img]url[img] put it on profile where it says i have my own.Then click alter profile and bobs ya uncle! as ya might say.Oh! they need to be under 100 pixels.

Earth fills her lap with treasures of her own.

ken (69)

Thank you BB, will wait awhile. Have found instruction site. Still learning.


There's a site here might be helpful.

ken (69)

Thank you Ken.Have saved. So much to see, So much to do.Am not used to this freedom.That reminds me. The Prisoner Friday eve after Gardeners World. BBC4.

Garden Manager

Dont know about gifs not working, I've never managed to find one in the first place. What site do you get them from please?

Peter H

Hi Richard, if you type in animation gifs on google you will get loads of sites, hope this helps.


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