flower bed on the lottie

Started by Sparkly, October 19, 2007, 22:55:58

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What is in yours? I need a few ideas as I really have no idea about non-edible plants.



Edible flowers! nastursiums, violas, calendula....................................


Deb P

I have a small flower bed at the front of my lottie, I started it because it was the worst bit of soil being behind the front fence, full of bindweed and couch and I did not think veg would like it much. Also I inherited a few Flowers when I took over the plot and wanted to move them somewhere!

There is a small buddleia, which the bees love, a Daphne which has a lovely scent in winter, I grew some cardoons from seed for a bit of height which have flowered their first year (the ornamental variety Florist's Cardi), some perennial Marguerite type flowers with the usual daisy like blooms. I grew different Calendulas, Nasturtiums and white foxgloves (biannual) from seed as a bit of annual colour. I also have a little herb bed with Rosemary bushes I moved and chives I split form a clump found in a bucket...it looked good in the summer and will also look good in the winter too. I'm planning Wallflowers for an early Spring show!

A few pics of it in the summer...

If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


markfield rover

In fact of in a mo to plant, sweet williams.wall flowers.daffs, dahlias will over-winter also icelandic poppies  so plenty of
cut flowers from spring.Then in spring ,sun flowers. snap dragons,straw flowers and many more I haven't been to the florist since March.oh yes millions of sweet peas which I will sow next week. good luck.

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