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Started by jesssands, January 14, 2008, 11:27:45

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Hi ev1
I got a bowl of hyacinths for christmas, the smell from them in my hall way has been amazing.
I am wondering exactly what I sould do with the bulbs as they stop blooming? Ideally I would like to store them and have them out again for next christmas, is this possible?




Your best option is to plant them in the garden. There is a good chance that there will be no flowers at all next year or very poor ones. If planted permanently in the garden they will either get eaten to death or they will naturalise.


This year i have flowers from last years christmas bulbs.

Heres what you do.
Once they've stopped flowering find them a good sunny spot on a windowledge or in the greenhouse and feed them once a week for a couple of months, Put them outside once the frost has gone.

Then about mid summer if the leaves haven't already dropped off, stop watering and let them wither. Then leave the pot somewere coolish for a few weeks. Then around the end of sept replant your bulbs in fresh compost place in a dark cold place (this lets the bulbs put out new roots) water maybe once a month, then around  mid november bring them out onto a windowsill (away from frosts) and with any luck youll get flowers. They wont be super huge as this year but they should still flower
This method also works for amaryllis
good luck
x sunloving


thanks for that, I will try it and hope

Cheers Sandra x

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