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kill it, tame it.

Started by ACE, January 15, 2008, 22:49:42

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Last summer

Kill it all with weedkiller she says, no I will just strim it down for now says I, but I do not like it she says, well it is supposed to be a woodland garden say I. But it is not the best looking plant around she says, wait! said I.

What were we talking about, a very intrusive 'weed', but it can be tamed if you have a spare bit of room.

Last week,

Oh what lovely scent for the middle of winter she says, I told you to wait says I, Oh I'm glad you did she says,
Well thats why you pay me a lot of money to sort your garden says I.


Pig ugly but a beautiful scent when there is nothing else, also makes a good ground cover for woodland
so don't just walk by, have a quick sniff.



Is it not a bit of a thug Ace ???.


Certainly is, but I am not asking you to plant it. Just if you have it, enjoy it.

I keep it in its place with regular strimming, but it is a bit of natural woodland, that first shows the heliotrope, then bluebells followed closely by anenomes, all strimmed down when they are finished, ready for next time. It ground covers so well nettles, brambles and anything horrible is kept at bay.


one would be perfect for my garden which is somewhat 'au naturel' and organised 'wild' - so I'll be getting one  ;D

what does it smell like


There's some in the hedge by the lane running down to my site, but I've never noticed the scent.

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