Replanting gladioli and dahlia

Started by lin, January 26, 2008, 18:12:24

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Could someone let me know when is the best time to replant gladioli bulbs and dahlia tubers?

I mostly concentrate on veg but grew both of these flowers last year and listening to advice from the plotters, have dug the all up and stored in earth in my garage over the winter.

But I have been looking online to find out when the best time is to replant both and can't find many answers.

Any advice anyone? Linda



Wait until May or even June, and then plant them deeply (three times their own depth) in a warm site, in a patch of ground that gets the afternoon sun.

If you have free draining soil or sandy soil and you're in the south, you could take a chance and leave them in.   I have been told that they successfully come up year after year.

I had asked the same question and those were my answers :)

Hope that helps.

Pesky Wabbit

For Dahlias have a look at the following link  - "dahlia tubers ...urgent help needed ".  -,30896.msg307121.html#msg307121

I followed Slugs advice and had a good display last year.

For glads, plant corms at fortnightly intervals from April to June to give a continuous display.

Both, if they're planted deeply enough, where the frost cant reach, they can be planted even earlier.


We have winter temps that can dip down to  -12 to -23 C (zone 6 or 7 USA) yet the glads seem to do just fine staying in the ground all winter in clay-ish  soil, not very wonderful yet, but drained.  We let some Fall leaves lay.
Maybe it depends on the type glads? These are very tall, frilly.IMG_0117.JPG
Looks like I haven't gotten the hang of posting pictures yet :-\  any advice? hubby computer whiz is asleep
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.


Because both are a bit suceptable to cold and wet in the early year I would normally start both off inside first . With the gladys i plant them in a fruit tray until they've shooted and then plant then out once the frost is over in late april.

With the dahlias I plant the tuber in a fruit tray in a greenhouse or on a windowsill around late feb early march (with some compost) then take cuttings as they shoot, then plant out the rooted cuttings once the frost has gone and put the tuber in a pot (bucket) just in case it has the virus. They flower fine in a bucket and you can put them in the boarder once they are in flower.
good luck
x sunloving

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