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Started by Thegoodlife, January 26, 2008, 09:55:09

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Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaar!!!!

got the little begger after 12mth 5days 17hrs 23mins 12 secs!!!

The mole has killed all my sparry grass, ruined the strawberry plot as well as the dry weather total cost around 35.00 the cost of the 2 year old roots
today i will be growin veg!!


today i will be growin veg!!


I have a pet mole on the allotment. He was there before me, so it's more his plot than mine. I don't think he's ever done anything too naughty. Maybe some are worse than others?


Well done 'goodlife'.
Moles are an absolute pain & are increasing in numbers every year. They're really starting to get to work now, a fellow plot holder is suffering & I haven't seen one on any of the plots before.
When I was mowing for the Parish Councils the little sods used to make my life a misery.
I used some very nasty stuff in the breeding season which helped but you can't win. If you know the habits of the little darlings, you would understand.
Eskimo Nel was a great Inuit.



just seen the link ollie, well funny!!! ;D ;D i suppose they may go well pan fried with a little red??

For those who are having problems a trap from B&q 3.98.

moles are a big problem they eat all the worms & there tunnels act as ventilation tunnels so any root crops will fail as the roots get into the tunnel  they are not getting any water/food at all.

The mole was cremated this afternoon in the incinerator with some wood & 4 rats
today i will be growin veg!!


Oh thats a good price TGL, Ive had mole problems all last year. They are a real nuisance, I will check out those traps....thanks ;)
I was born with nothing and have most of it left.


You know those singing Cards?  Start the music and stick the card down a mole run - they hate it.

JimmyJames   (seemed like a good idea,  but sadly not updated for many moons!)


We've got moles, but they don't seem to cause any real problems and teh mole-hills make good additions to potting compost. I quite like having them around but What should I look out for in terms of damage?
Want to know about truffles? then visit our website, you can even buy truffle-trees ;-)


Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ive now got its brother, tonight after feeding the gang (chooks) yep you guessed it a mole hill  :o fresh, so the trap has gone back in the hole.
today i will be growin veg!!

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