greenhouse - good bargins

Started by Sparkly, January 27, 2008, 16:03:59

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Although we were offered a free glass greenhouse, we have decided not to take it as it is so windy on our plot. I am worried that it will shatter within days! We are decided that a polycarbonate one may be a better idea? I am looking for 6x4 (ish) polycarbonate greenhouse, ideally with staging included. I like the idea of making one, but we are already planning to construct our own sheds so don't want to have too many projects that need completing by march! I have seen this one?

it seems cheap, would this be any good?



read the earlier thread on Norfolk green house.The last on from MrsKP was very useful though not os good for her

louise stella

That looks quite a good one - but I would like an extra bay on it as you always use more space than you think you'll need!

I went to Wyevale yesterday and they had greenhouses that were 6x8 (I  think) and were all moulded plastic - slightly odd looking - with a metal frame!  They looked strong and had built in vents etc - but were dearer at £199.00 .  I was interested because my plot is on the perimiter of the site and I think that  if I had a glass greenhouse - I think it could become target practice for passing yobs!

Grow yer bugger grow!


i have one of them & the wind has blown the panels out of it two times.
have now just got an old ally ghouse frame & screwed Polly to it will pop down latter to Se if it survived to days wind

Lauren S

I have one of those Norfolk greenhouses I've had no problems with the panels popping out. Maybe because mine is kind of sheltered. You can always use some kind of adhesive to glue the panels in place.
:) Net It Or You Won't Get It  :)

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