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Early asparagus!

Started by Kea, February 11, 2008, 13:04:56

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I was weeding my asparagus bed when i noticed one new shoot about 4 inches long sticking through. I'm about to put a thick mulch on which will cover it up but that's far too early. :o



wow - that's early, even for an early variety. I've noticed that our first spears are getting earlier each year,  8th April last year.  Must have a closer look next time I go to the lottie.
The Tuscan Beaneater


No sign on mine at the weekend.. I'd ahve been worried if there was...


I have 2 spikes from the mature crown i moved last year. No idea what the variaty is but they look like pink fingers (creapy) i have covered the bed with about 2 inches of compost and covered the spikes and watered it. Is there anything else i can put on now its fruiting so to speak?


Compost is god, but it's too soon for liquid manure as it'll leach out before the plants are growing strongly enough to use it. Wait till it's growing strongly, then use the liquid manure.



OOh I chomped my first two right there in the lottie day before yesterday, very small though!! XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


No sign of ours yet  :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
The Tuscan Beaneater


I love asparagus but have always been told its a nightmare to grow.  They are selling them at B&Q at the mo, when I plant them how long before I see the fruits of my labour


caseylee, it is the easiest thing to grow. The secret is in the preparation of the bed. Mine are in a very gig raised bed. 1 foot high filled to the top woth soft loamy soil 22ftx5ft

I have this bed for 4 years maybe 5. I prepared the bed in the Autumn, so was ready when the roots came in the spring. We planted them the day they arrived that year they grew well  but we didn't pick any, the next year we picked carefully after that I didn't worry anymore. Short of weeding it I have never done enything to it since apart from throw a bit of maure on now and again.

If you have aprepared place you could order them, and get them in this year. I ordered mine from Suttons I think they are called Cito. the roots were huge when they came, I waqs impressed.

XX Jeannine
My yeild is huge

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


I got three plants today, how many roughly would that grow


I ma not sure, I have 24 Cito plants in mine in two long rows, then a dozen or so Pacific Purple running down the middle, we get far too may of course but I think three would only give you 15 possibly 20 spears in one season. I am guessing though. xx jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


I might just have to go and get another pack, I love asparagus but they just cost way to much in tesco.


One thing you can be sure of - they won't taste the same as tesco's
The Tuscan Beaneater

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