few seeds up for grabs

Started by debster, March 15, 2008, 19:41:52

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dont know if anyone else heard about an asthma uk offer of free snapdragon seeds but if you write to an address they send you packets of seeds cos they are low allergen plants. normally i would freely advertise the address on here but wont cos of a certain person who could abuse it to make money (you all know who i mean) address will be given to anyone that wants it via pm
however they sent me 15 yes 15 packets of them, i have shared them at both mine and hubbies work but still have 3 packets up for grabs, maybe more later and want to share them
i also have a full packet of spinach beet and half a packet of plain leaved parsley i dont want free to a good home

and no sspauk you cant have them lol  ;D 8)

with reference to the snapdragon seeds not sure how many they have left originally there were thousands but i wrote 2 weeks ago and got them today but the only loss would be a stamp and an sae



ok adding in
a few endive moss curled
half a packet of coriander


excellent Tom thats really good to know  ;D


all seeds have gone out to anyone who requested them.
no takers for the spinach, parsley, coriander or endive yet though so all still available


Hi Debs- a few flat leaved parsley seeds would be great if they're going spare  :D
Anything your after? Got a few random tomato varieties if you want any?
Want to know about truffles? then visit our website, you can even buy truffle-trees ;-)


can you pm me the address for the astma uk stuff as my brothers scout troop are growing flowers for a local old peoples home and these would be great.


If there are any parsley left at the end I would like some.  I have some ancient ones but I think they have given up now as they didn't germinate last year.


Truffle and Foraldi if you pm your addy i will split the seeds and send them to you
no thanks dont need anything in return just sorting out my seeds


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