What plants can co-exist with tomatoes

Started by Clemrooke, March 28, 2008, 10:30:45

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I am fairly new to gardening but very keen to learn. Would like to pick your brains on the above topic.
Plerase help



Inside or out?
We grew tomatoes with tomatillos and cucumbers outside at the lottie last year very successfully until late in the season when blight struck but still got a good sized harvest. In the green house we grow tomatos, groundcherries and cucumbers (I know toms and cucumbers like different conditions but both provided more than we could eat ourselves!) And underplanted with lots of marigolds to keep the little critters happy(slugs and bugs - good and bad).
DeeBee :)


I plant toms, cukes, aubs, melons,chillies,okra and baby pumpkins together in one of my greenhouses. Early on I also have a salad tub in there with lettuce, radish and spring onions in..also spuds in a barrel and occasionally the odd green bean plant

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


deebee what varity of cucumbers and tomatoes did you grow outside, I have a few names of ones that can but always open to new kinds


Tigerella free on the front of a magazine, Plum tomato from seeds of italy (pomodoro roma) - robust little devils!
Marketmore cucumber - they were free on the front of kitchen garden ;) a novel selection process for seeds I know!


Carrots are great companion plants with tomatoes


hiya, clemrooke, nice to meet you ....in our poly with the toms we grow peppers, aubergines and chillies , in another bed, same tunnel, cucumber, sweet pots, melon as well as the normal salady stuff  :)


i grew the toms in the asparagus bed a couple of years back. The asparagus acted as supports for the toms.


thanks guys for responding to my query. I went into a state of panic this morning when I put my toms with spring onions and lettuce. Sometimes I experiment ignorantly

Many thanks once again



herbs grow well with tommy,s basil is a good one  grew it last year in the green house, its also a good deterrent for whitefly they hate it ;D
today i will be growin veg!!

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