Got a garden? Think you're trendy? I want to hear from you!

Started by pippagirl, July 21, 2004, 10:49:34

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Hey there,

I'm researching urban gardeners, especially young (ish!) people who are growing their own fruit and veg in the cities.

If you defy the stereotype of allotment gardener, I'd love to hear from you!

Reply to this, or email pippa@nbtresearch and tell me about yourself.

Pippa C.

Next Big Thing Research



Pippa, why have you posted this same post across 4 or 5 different boards on this site? Not good 'netiquette'


Well said Ross!

And I doubt anyone here is a) stereotypical
or b) can be bothered to answer silly questions for " .... a marketing-driven consumer research agency specialising in socio-cultural and entertainment trends"

That's what this is.......Blah-di-blah!!!

Admin aka Dan

Hi all,

I've removed the other 4 posts - really don't think we want to encourage spamming across the board.

Pippa, good luck with your research. If require more exposure - I'm sure advertising would be more effective.




Go Dan!!!

Glad you are keeping an eye out for us all!
The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way... (William Blake)



Lottie-less until I can afford a house with it's own garden.

Ozzy aka Pothead

Yo pippa

I have no idea what a stereotypical gardener looks like? would an  image of someone pulling up a carrot with a ferret stuck down there trousers. which are tied at the waist with string, be anygood???

My mate in Pontyates is dead keen on gardening grows all sorts and is growing asparagus this year too ... she also loves taking LSD aka Acid  is well into flower power....she is gonna be 62 next March... but arent we all like this?


:-* :-* :-*

am gonna have fun now trying to conjure up images of "stereotypical" gardeners now...  :)

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