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Tips for greenhouse newbe

Started by Lost-The-Plot, May 01, 2008, 13:00:54

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Hello. my first posting on this list so be gentle with me ok?
We have had our allotment for 4 years and now fortune has smiled upon us and we have been offered an unwanted greenhouse - aluminium frame, glass panels, 6x6.
The greenhouse in going in our smallish garden where I can keep an eye on things. It will be standing in front of a south-facing fence (only place there is room to put it) and the soil there is so lovely that ideally, I'd like to grow in that rather than have  abase all the way underneath and have to use grow-bags.
Obviously, I'm going to do some online research and quiz Neville up the road who grows great tomatoes iunder glass but we'd appreciate your top tips for greenhouses, some dos and don'ts.



either put it on a base of 4x2 tanalised, and belt angle irons down on the corners to hold it.


put a 4'' deep foundation in of 6 and 1, three courses of brick, and a 4x2 tanalised plate.

when you fix the GH to the wood, make sure you put a platic washer between the screw and the metal or you could get a bit of electrolysis going on.
Proud to be a Trelawny man!


Welcome to A4A.

I suggest you get a good book on Glasshouse work .I have an old one written by Percy Thrower and it is very useful.

Obviously the first thing to watch is the day and night temperature.

Shading and ventilation are also very important.

Keep your glasshouse very clean to help avoid Pests and Diseases.

Try to learn how to recognise glasshouse pests and diseases.

To avoid build up of disease you may need to think about replacing your border soil in the glasshouseevery few years.

That's just for starters,and oh do not let it blow away like mine did ;D


Did you not fix it down securely?

There are some good sites on the internet on how to construct bases, a little research is always worthwhile.

I mean who would have thought that a few hundred square feet of surface area might act a bit like a sail in a strong wind.

Lesson there to all.Thanks for pointing it out.

Proud to be a Trelawny man!

Tee Gee

I agree with growing in the greenhouse border, however don't grow tomatoes in it every year. The soil really want to be replaced every couple of years if only growing tomatoes.

I have three greenhouses on the alloments and I rotate my tomatoes over three years to avoid changing the soil.


hiya, lost the plot, welcome to the site, we grow our toms in the border but swap them around with sweet potatoes and melons..mind you, we have a poly that we can put them in during the breaks  ;D


Thanks for the tips everyone. Will let you know how I get on. ;)


My husband made the bench for our greenhouse so that it could be taken out after I had started my seeds off and the tomatoes got to a size where they needed all the space.

Just make the bench narrow enough to get through the door and take it out.

It can be washed down, covered with a cheap tablecloth and used outside when you have a barbie to store the food on and drinks on.


Sounds interesting. I'd like to see a photo of this. any chance? :)

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