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Making use

Started by lorna, May 04, 2008, 10:11:09

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I have a small potting bench in my greenhouse which was made by late husband but like others on A4A it is too low. My kitchen is (shortly) going to be refurbished and I have a single floor unit (3 drawers) with a work surface. Other than cutting the work surface down to fit the gap where the old bench is I thought it would make an ideal potting bench and somewhere to store my feeds, small tools etc.
Will just make sure the workmen don't smash it when they remove it from the kitchen ::)



Recycling in action...  ;D


May be your dear departed beloved spouse wanted you to be comfortable and sit down when you used your potting bench. Have you tried using a chair or stool?


PurpleHeather. In fact when Charlie was still able to get to the greenhouse he was the one who used it,, (sitting on a stool.) Knowing his sense of humour he would have said "No sitting down on the job" to me ;D.
One thing for sure I should have paid more attention when he did the cuttings each year of fuchsias and geraniums (sometimes as many as 300) . I am absolutely hopeless at taking cuttings and over the past 5 years have lost numerous cuttings,.
Weird thing is once he did the cuttings I was the one to look after them!!!!

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