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Piccy for Doris

Started by Mrs Ava, July 29, 2004, 13:03:23

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Mrs Ava

Not in an ideal pot at the moment, but still, it is now on its 3rd leaf and they are getting bigger!  I call her Gertrude.  ;D  

Mrs Ava


 ;D Glad to see my baby is doing well! Her Mum is called Gertie!! Will sort out a photo for you!  Thank you  ;D
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.

Mrs Ava

hehehee.  She is lovely and I am hoping to get a half barrel for her in the autumn.  It is funny, the first couple of leaves were a bit tatty,but this new one is gorgeous so I think she has finally found her feet.  You will have to give me some advice come winter time!  ;D

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