Attracting birds to my plot, good idea?

Started by silly billy, June 02, 2008, 21:12:26

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silly billy

Been reading Bob Flowerdews organic bible as kindly recommended by fellow posters on here and he has been singing the praise of attracting birds so I have put up a peanut holder and bird bath but now I am wondering if they will eat my soft fruit? What birds eat soft fruit? Are the benefits of birdlife worth the risk on an allotment?
My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility. Napoleon had that idea. He wanted to conquer the bloody world. I wanted Liverpool to be untouchable. My idea was to build Liverpool up and up until eventually everyone would have to submit and give in. Bill Shankly.

silly billy

My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility. Napoleon had that idea. He wanted to conquer the bloody world. I wanted Liverpool to be untouchable. My idea was to build Liverpool up and up until eventually everyone would have to submit and give in. Bill Shankly.


alright silly billy ,i know both black birds and starlings will peck at fruit such as apples   and pears and that smaller birds will readily take berries and such if thats any help pal but still that said are they invaluable pest controller ?  oh yeah parrots love soft fruit but i  guess you are safe from those hey!!   n8r


It's mainly blackbirds and pigeons which have mine. Blackbirds are territorial, so feeding won't attract more, and if you're feeding pigeons you deserve what you get!


This is my second year of having my Blue Tit nest box on my plot, it's magic to watch them this time of the year when they have bred. I plan to put a Robin nest box up as well. 

I would be a bit wary of putting peanuts in any shape or form on my plot as the squirrels love them and the little blighters get up to enough mischief when it comes to them burying their nuts and eating your sweet corn.

I'd encourage all plot holders over the country to put up nest boxes, so many species are on the decline.



p.s. Anyone interested in putting up nesting boxes, there are good plans on the net of how to make them.  I made my own and it is really satisfying when you see the birds using something you have made for them.

They are easy to make too, seeing I can make one:)



Hi Sinbad, do you have a link to the plans? could be a project for my son to make if you say they are quite simple?  We have just got our plot and ive seen a robin around nearly everytime we're there. Would be great if we could give him a little house!!  ;D


Quoteoh yeah parrots love soft fruit but i  guess you are safe from those hey!!   n8r

Not in this part of the world you're not!



Hello marilottie

I followed the RSPB web site the link is

The Blue Tits box has a roofing felt roof on as there was an old bit laying about and the robin box I used an inner tube of a bike tyre, as you do have to make sure you can open the roof, so you can clean them out.

The robins one is the easiest to make as no hole required, it has a large opening which is done when cutting the wood.

I gave the robin box to my friend and they have robins in it this week, so just the time to make your little robbin a home.

Good luck.



Thanks Sinbad,

Doesnt look too difficult, i take it you mean just an open slot  at the top where it shows the hole?? Will get him started on it this week, should keep him off the xbox for a while!!  ;D

Mairlottie x


Our son made me one that didn't have a hinge. Instead the front cleverly swings up on two nails so I can clean it out.
Then he drilled two holes on the lower sides of the front and two nails slide in to lock it shut.
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.

silly billy

Thanks all. Looks like attracting the birds is a good idea and I shall be putting up a couple of nest boxes. Already have one at home that is used every year. Great tits this year with 12 eggs!!
My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility. Napoleon had that idea. He wanted to conquer the bloody world. I wanted Liverpool to be untouchable. My idea was to build Liverpool up and up until eventually everyone would have to submit and give in. Bill Shankly.


Wow, brilliant Silly Billy, have they left the nest yet?

I checked on mine this afternoon and the parents are still feeding them.


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