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my new chickens

Started by Patrick King, June 17, 2008, 15:29:56

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Patrick King

after a bad start this morning. i was still set on getting some new chickens.  the 6(1cock + 5 hens) for £30
here are some pictures.

once i got them to the allotment. i then let them out into the shed and One of girls left me a gift. :001_wub:
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Foxes don't burrow, they only dig

Patrick King

My plot -,40512.0.html
Foxes don't burrow, they only dig

Old bird

Aren't they lovely!   What a smart cockerel - are you allowed them on your lottie?  We aren't allowed cockerels only girls!  I like the black flecked one - are they a special make or just mixture.

What a bonus that super large egg too!

Good price for all of them too!  Well done!

Old Bird


Earning your money back already.    Will you be rearing chicks now you have a cockeral?  Or is it "the man about the house to keep the women in check." ;D ;D ;D
All you do and all you see is all your life will ever be


hi just picked 3 rescue hens up from bhwt on sunday have had 8 eggs they must be happy! can anyone help me ive heard that chicken muck is good for the allotment can i put it in my compost bin would be gratefull for any help

Patrick King

Quote from: Old bird on June 17, 2008, 16:43:59
Aren't they lovely!   What a smart cockerel - are you allowed them on your lottie?  We aren't allowed cockerels only girls!  I like the black flecked one - are they a special make or just mixture.
Yeah i am only allowed one cokeral. Problem is i dont know what type they are.

Quote from: ktlawson on June 17, 2008, 17:00:22
Earning your money back already.    Will you be rearing chicks now you have a cockeral?  Or is it "the man about the house to keep the women in check." ;D ;D ;D

Yeah i will be rearing some and selling them and i will also be selling fertile eggs like the people on ebay.
he is great cockeral, he even took on my hybrid hens(working out the pekin order). he stands very proud over his small girls.

As for chick poo, it is very good for the gardens/allotments. just put in a pile and add a few bits here and there when planting or some people put a handful in their watering can and use it that way. (i dont do this on above ground veg as i wouldnt want to eat it.)  :-X
My plot -,40512.0.html
Foxes don't burrow, they only dig


Quote from: chickenman on June 17, 2008, 19:06:24
can anyone help me I've heard that chicken muck is good for the allotment can i put it in my compost bin would be gratefull for any help
Not all crops like chicken manure.  I compost my hen waste in a separate compost bin to my normal stuff,  adding other bits along the way.    Also, leave it 2-3 months before use.  Same as horse manure - if used too fresh it will burn crops.
All you do and all you see is all your life will ever be

Patrick King

Quote from: Old bird on June 17, 2008, 16:43:59
I like the black flecked one - are they a special make or just mixture.

hey old bird, i have just found out the breed. which is Belgium d'uccle.

have a good one.
My plot -,40512.0.html
Foxes don't burrow, they only dig

Old bird

Proper posh birds you have then Patrick - does it speak English?!

Old Bird!


Mr Smith

Five hens and a cockeral for £30 thats a good deal the last time I saw point of law pullets they wanted about £12.50 each, we have poultry sales every Tuesday on our local cattle market but in my case we can't keep poultry on our allotments :)

Old bird

Hi Mr Smith

Rules about what you can and can't do on allotments were made - possibly - several years ago.

If you really do want chickens again and possibly if a few other allotment holders do too - also if the the security and welfare angles are OK - why don't you get the council or whoever to re-visit their rule making and get them to change. 

Apparently it is pretty rare that they can not allow chickens - so even though the agreement you signed says no chickens - it is currently "in vogue" to have them and the council or whoever may be swayed with current public opinion on your side.

Give it a try Mr Smith and let us know!

Old Bird


Mr Smith

          The problem we have is that we have houses on three sides of the allotments and good secure gates at one end so I think the house holders on the three sides would object to my cockeral waking them up in them up in the mornings and looking at the lease it states no livestock it would be nice to keep poultry again but not at the site I'm on :)

Old bird

I understand.  We aren't allowed to keep cockerels as we have houses 2 sides!



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