Aubergines Looking Very Unwell...

Started by raisedbedted, July 16, 2008, 15:48:55

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Hello everyone,

Can anyone give me pointers as to what is wrong with my aubs, they had been growing really well but now 3 of the 8 plants in the cold frame have gone like the picture above.

Should I pull them out sharpish or what? 



Best laid plans and all that


Best laid plans and all that


The wilted leaves look a bit like spider mite, but not usually a prob if not under glass.....  :-\


well the leaves look bad but those flower buds look ok - have they been subjected to a temperature change that was sudden - maybe snip off the bad leaves and see what happens - and examine the leaves carefully for clues


Well they are under a glass light cold frame, wouldnt think they had a sudden fluctuation of temperature as it is fairly well ventilated.  Had a rummage around and couldnt see any nasties.  It started with one plant about 4 weeks ago and now 3 have it.  Including the only plant that has set any fruit.   :-\
Best laid plans and all that

Old bird

Mine started to look like yours but possibly a bit yellower!

I have given them a couple of doses of Miracle Gro and they are already picking up - so my guess - and it is a guess is feeding!

Good luck with them!

Old Bird


Tee Gee


Thanks Tee Gee that sort of confirms my worst suspicions.  The manner in which it was spreading suggested a 'blight' type disease.  I'll try with some copper fungicide.

2008 was going to be the year of the Aubs, oh well!
Best laid plans and all that

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