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Pumpkin Plant

Started by Chris Graham, July 23, 2008, 11:29:07

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Chris Graham

My pumpkin plant has only just been pollinated, do I still have a chance in getting some fruit?

I can see a small one beginning to develop.

I really hope so! 


Astronomy, Veggies & Beer

Chris Graham

Astronomy, Veggies & Beer


I have just pollenated fruits too. Last year I did not get my plants in till Mid July (from 5 inch pots) and I had quite a decent sized pumpkin.

Chris Graham

Thats good news then.

Its the first time growing pumpkins and I have one plant in a cold frame in a grow bag.

Astronomy, Veggies & Beer


No idea about growing them in grow bags, mine were on the plot. Good luck!


i think you might need to water  lot in a bag and i think maybe feed as well

Duke Ellington

This pumpkin was planted out in the first week of June! its spreading fast and have about six pumpkins on it !


dont be fooled by the name I am a Lady!! :-*


I got a mixed packet of squash seeds from Lidl and they have trailed about 8 foot (5 plants). Do you let them continue or pinch off the end. Can a plant support so many squashes / pumpkins? One of the squashes looks like a marrow which is half green, half yellow. Any ideas what it is?


You can pinch the ends out... it will develop larger fruit on the vine than if left totally alone... some squash develop sideshoots like Melons....  :)


thanks Saddad

is it these side shoots that the books tell you to pinch out when they are 2 foot long?


It's bigger than mine, but they're getting moving now, apart from a Big Max which is probably getting too much shade.


How big to 'big max' plants get?


As a note I have a strong cross wind at my plot and recommend using a staple to fix the trailing plant at strategic points as it grows. The advantage of a staple is it is 40mm wide giving the plant limited movement.


I planted 3 plants in June and they only started fruiting 2 weeks ago. However, the biggest fruit is the size of a football already! I am amazed at the spurt of growth these plants are capable of. So i would have thought that there would be plenty of time for you to get fruits. Mine are still green though and maybe the tough orange skin takes more time...

Duke Ellington

mine are still green too ~ i think it wont be till September that they change colour:)

dont be fooled by the name I am a Lady!! :-*


I haven't grown Big Max before, and will be interested to see what I end up with! If you want to grow really big pumpkins, you do it under glass.


to pollinate them,i assume its the same method as for courgetees> do my sqaushes need it too? ta in advance RACH x
when the going gets tough,the tough go digging


They need pollination, and have male and female flowers, so it's the same process. Right now I've got nothing but male flowers on my pumpkins, and nothing but female on my cucs.


thank ye kindly a recap..the female flowers are the ones with the fruit behind them arent they?
when the going gets tough,the tough go digging

Chris Graham

This is what mine looks like


Astronomy, Veggies & Beer


This one was planted in the beginning of june - and the fruit started about 3 weeks ago. It is now the size of a basketball.....

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