nearly ready for my new hens, but!!!

Started by rykneld38, July 31, 2008, 15:21:22

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Hello, I was due to collect some ex batts this Saturday. I had been busy making the coop and run (using old pallets and recycled timber) and was feeling quite pleased with myself that the only thing that I had to pay for were the wood preservative and the wire mesh.
~But, on the 19th July, I was chopping things up in my compost heap with my meat cleaver and sliced my right thumb off (did any of you hear me shout?). It has been sewn back on but it must be kept clean and dry so I have had to cancell my chickens for now. The next rescue date is in late September.
Here are a few photos for those of you who are interested.



YEA-OUCH!!!    Ohhhh!   :o :o :o
Chooks will be happy once they arrive - its a great looking run for them.  Take care of your thumb and hope it all heals up soon.

Old bird

Can't open the attachment!  Is it a picture of your finger or your chooks?

Ouch must have hurt!  I do silly things like that - but possibly not as bad as you!

Hope you recover well!  Gives you chance to get more organised for your chooks!  My neighbour and I picked up her 12 on sunday from Devon and hers are pretty threadbare!  One only has feathers on her head and top 1" of neck. She is one of the feistiest birds though!  She has got feathers on her wings but only the main middle bit of feather not fluffy bits or colour!

They are really sweet though and immediately they got in the run having endured a 6 hour journed from the farm to the pick up point - a further 1 hour journey in my car and they immediately upon release started scratching the ground and picking stuff up - amazing - pure instinct as they had never been in the outside, seen the sun/daylight/ground before!

Old Bird

Since I typed this Twinkletoes obviously could open it - so I will try again!




that's a really brilliant hen house and run..sorry about your thumb, hope it heals quickly for you..we've done the same, re-cycled the wheelbarrow shed and used timber we had on the plot for the run..we're due to get ours on 13th september, good luck when you get them, we're really excited about ours  ;D ;D


Hope the thumb turns out ok.

Looks like the Ritz of chicken coops.


Looks fine.  How many are you getting?
All you do and all you see is all your life will ever be


Thanks you all for your concern, my thumb really hurts (a good sign so the doctor says).
I am getting 4 hens, but if there are any extra that need re-homing, then I could always take a few more.

Old Bird, I can't post photos of my thumb on here!!! it's not very pretty

Old bird


Saw the pictures - lovely house - they will really enjoy that when you get them.

Glad to hear your thumb is hurting!  As you say it is a good indicater that you are on the mend!

Old Bird


Fantastic hen house, you are clever!

Sorry about your thumb! bet youre gutted you now have to wait with such a nice coup ready !

My daughter took the top of her finger off a few years ago (she was 14yrs) she had it sewn back on but unfortunately it didnt take and had to have another opp to remove it properly !  It was only from the last joint and dosent affect anything she does, and no one really notices it , but I was so sad for her when it happened, not nice for a young girl ! (well for anyone really, but thinking about nail painting etc.,) Still hopefully you sound like yours is well on the mend, good luck
You always love your children more than they love you...


I haven't been called "clever" before, just for knocking up a bit of old wood.. But thanks B7jac. Its not a very good thing to happen to any one, you are right. Just got to sit and wait until I can finish the coop off and sort out the fence. The hens arrive sept 20th.



ouch!!! so sorry to hear about your thumb  how nasty!
i LOVE  your coop when are you coming to make me one? lol

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