beetroot to late or not to late

Started by joie, August 26, 2008, 17:59:08

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can anyone advise me as to whether i can still plant beetroot seed or am i just wasting my time. please bare in mind i am up in the north east so the weather is slightly dodgy to say the least

thanks for any advice joie



Saw this had no replies so thought I would ping it back up.

I think you can sow beetroot until the end of August - although will need protection (cloche maybe) - and you probably will only get baby beets rather than good sized roots so you will need to work out whether this is worth it. However if the roots don't get very big the leaves are good used young in salads.

The latest I have sown is late July early Aug and these roots are baby beets already so should make reasonable roots by November. Others probably have more experience and can advise better.


What's the worst that could happen?  Go for it - I am  :)


Me too.........they have two chances eh? :D
I was born with nothing and have most of it left.


I've just bought some Pablo beetroot seeds - claim to be fast cropping (9 weeks compared to 12 weeks for others that I saw). I hope to sow over the weekend so should get something edible by November.



nothing to lose except a few seeds  ;D


i sowed some 3 weeks ago,and they doing great,so just sowed some more yday,good luck!
when the going gets tough,the tough go digging


thanks everyone, i`ll give it ago.

thanks again joie

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