Low Border hedges- which do you like?

Started by GrannieAnnie, September 08, 2008, 12:25:57

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Your allotment pictures are often beautifully inspiring with their borders edged with hedging.
It gives me a yen to try looking tidier next year ::) which admittedly goes against the grain.
The slow-growing expensive boxwood is lovely, but
I like the freedom to move my beds often.

Do you have any other favorites to recommend- annual or perennial, evergreen or not, which work for you?
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The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.


I would recommend Germander (Teucretum?) it is evergreen, untrimmed it gets to about 2' with another 1' of pink flowers. It trims well, can be completely stooled (cut back to the ground) is easy to propagate.. all of ours came from two plants...

Second picture should show hedge half trimmed... the only down side is that it grows so fast it needs trimming monthly in a good season..


That is elegant!  Your veg. garden is both beautiful and organized! I'm not sure I can ever achieve that but will try the germander.  Thank you for the idea and pictures. :)
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.


Its lovely Saddad, I personally think the only place for a small hedge is someone elses plot though. I wouldn't have the energy to keep it tidy as well as the rest of the jobs that need doing.

It is a real credit to you, please dont get me wrong I love to see plots that look like yours. If you would trim mine I'd be happy to have one ;D
I was born with nothing and have most of it left.

Old bird

Me too Saddad!   Beautiful to look at - an absolute credit to you - too much like hard work for me unfortunately.  Although I could do something in my home garden.

Looks absolutely smashing tho'.

Old Bird


That is OH's allotment, on the back of the house... she trims it, I wouldn't have the time/patience... but am prepared to have a line that I just cut back at the end of the season, so the bees can enjoy the flowers..  ::)


Wowzers Saddad - looks amazing well done to your OH!!



It would be so lovely strolling out to pick in your garden, Saddad, compared to mine where by this season I'm bending low to get under the morning glory vines (which I thought would be so charming but leave spiderwebs stuck in my hair), and wearing long pants in the stifling heat because I planted beans too closely and they make me itch, and carrying my adrenalin shots because I'm stepping high thru bee-infested weeds...you get the picture. Does your OH hire out?
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.



Quote from: saddad on September 12, 2008, 14:36:01
No, I'm keeping her to myself...  ;D
tisk, tisk! Didn't your mom teach you anything, Saddad?

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and making it useful by Two.
It can be hard to share what you have,
but it's the A4A right thing to do.
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.


blimey, I don't have time to trim the hedges in my garden, let alone grow them on my alotment, very very very jealous saddad, it looks fabulous!  :)

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