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What's allowed?

Started by portsmouth30, November 12, 2008, 22:11:10

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Does anyone know what is allowed to be kept on an allotment in terms of poultry? Is it still a part of the allotment act or was it repealed?



I believe it depends on the site...........some say yay, some say nay.

The ones wot knows will tell you better very soon ;)
I was born with nothing and have most of it left.


The 1908 act is still valid but local bye-laws may impose restrictions.  Check with your site rep and if they don't know ask the council allotments officer.


Chickens and rabbits.

Cocks not allowed ;D

Yes it still is part of the act.

If it is on private land,owners permission must be had.

It will probally be on the tenancy agreement.


  Some sites do not allow holders to keep any livestock so you will need to check the small print of your contract. 

My site has 20% of plots allocated for livestock,  all are predesignated.  This 20% is a combination of hens and pigeons. If you want to keep hens you can work another plot then swap plots later if you so wish.  With waiting lists as they are people can be waiting up to 2 years for an allotment or in excess of 4 years if they want a plot to keep livestock.
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