Is my allotment to small?

Started by boldielocks, November 14, 2008, 15:59:10

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I've been offered and allotment which is 11x5 meters. I'm thinking this is to small, and may see if I can get and additional plot to double the size.

You thoughts please.
Who needs a mini digger - when you got hands like shovels and arms like steam pistons. ;)


Who needs a mini digger - when you got hands like shovels and arms like steam pistons. ;)


if there is a waiting list take the one your offered if no others are spare, you can still grow an awful lot of produce on a plot that size, if others come up see if you can exchange or take on another, any plot of land that you are able to cultivate and grow things is better than none in my mind.
you may be a king or a little street sweeper but sooner or later you dance with de reaper.


Lots of new plots on my site are now about that size. If you refuse it do you keep your position on the waiting list? It depends what you want to grow, if you're just growing vege you can grow quite a lot on a plot that size. However if you're hoping to grow lots of soft fruit or even fruit trees it's going to be too small. If you take this one but still need more room you may have to go back on the bottom of the waiting list to get another. You need to find out what would happen for each scenario really then decide what you want to do. Good Luck.

Mr Smith

                You lotty is not to small, folk that live in tower blocks grow veg on their balconies :)


I have just been researching this  ie size of plot and it appears that a full size plot is 10 rods or in English!! 200m2 or 20mX10m. I have a half plot ie. 100m2 or 10mX10m. All the plots on our site are that size, but it appears that many sites have full plots. On many sites of course people have two or three plots. I have discovered that my half plot is not enough for my needs, so am trying to get another but there is a waiting list and I have to go to ther bottom because I already have a plot.


My advice would be take it - I was initially dissapointed when I was only offered a half plot (same size as yours), but to be honest as it was so overgrown I was actually quite glad to be starting off with a smaller area once I started clearing it. I'm getting around the issue of size by growing fruit trees as minarettes and have managed to fit loads in.

There's so many people crying out for a bit of land to grow food on - I personally wouldn't let the opportunity go by.

If you're able to take it and put your nasme down for another (which I think from your last message may be your approach?) then all the better - at least you'll get this plot up and running before you have another one that needs such hard work.



Quote from: mike.jones on November 14, 2008, 18:49:51
I have just been researching this  ie size of plot and it appears that a full size plot is 10 rods or in English!! 200m2 or 20mX10m.

10 rod is actually almost 250m2.  A rod is 5 and a half yards.


I want to grow veg along with soft fruit, as Kea said this maybe to small if I want to grow fruits. Its a new site with plenty of plots to go around, so I should be able to get 2 plots next to each other.
Who needs a mini digger - when you got hands like shovels and arms like steam pistons. ;)


No matter how big the plot is, it is always too small.


The smaller plots may be the council trying to do their best to accommodate everybody requesting an allotment.  If you do not take it or hesitate too long I am sure in today's climate of people requesting allotments there will be many people behind you who will take it and you will be left with nothing.

Take it and if allowed, request to keep your name on the list for a larger plot or a 2nd one of the same size, even if your name has to go back to the bottom of the list.  Though not many sites will allow you a second plot as long as they have a waiting list.  I would not refuse it as you may well go back to the bottom of the list and the council can then say they offered and you refused.  Consider the size of the waiting list and the length of time it has taken for you to get to the top.......
All you do and all you see is all your life will ever be


Quote from: Eristic on November 15, 2008, 01:05:52
No matter how big the plot is, it is always too small.
So true! I thought my garden was gigantic when I first saw it (65ft long x 11ft wide) but now I'm planning the beds, I really can't imagine where everything will go! I have so many varieties of beans, courgette & squash that I want to try! Plus greens, plus flowers! Plus a few soft fruit bushes. It's going to be a very well-used space, once it gets going...


We have 2 small plots next to each other which add up to about half a plot and we are taking on another small plot for our fruit cage, this will give us about 3/4 of a plot and that is plenty.
Start small and build up hun, better to grow as much as you can on a small plot than nothing at all and put your name down for a plot close to this one :)
Welcome to the world off lotties  ;D

I agree there is NEVER enough room  ;D

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