It's that Elderberry wine time again

Started by derbex, August 31, 2004, 14:35:15

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Freed up the demijohns by bottling last years, tasted good just out of the siphon tube, so it's time to make some more -I've already got a 1lb from our hedge and there's more to come.




Got 3 gallons started!!! ;D  ;D  ;D And more to come :o
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


Thanks for the reminder - I'll go collecting this weekend.



Has anyone grown an elderberry bush? The ones that are wild in our hedge generally need ladders to get at them. Would you start from seeds or suttings?

There are a couple at our allotment site -one as a standard. More annoyingly they have lots of berries on -and the birds are taking them all.


Who has a pair of scissors and a carrier bag in his knapsack  8)


Several years ago we made an elderberry port (contained wheat) but have now lost the receipe. Has anyone got one they can pass on to me please. There are so many berries on the hedge at the moment, it will be a shame to let the birds eat them all.
Granny is still your best friend !


I've an elderberry port recipe -but I don't think it's the same as I don't remember any wheat in it. I'll look it out if you like.



Thanks Jeremy, would appreciate that very much.
Granny is still your best friend !


I've constructed a "Gatherer" from a defunct pair of secartures and a Kiddies "Shrimp net".  Mounted on a long pole with sections that will reach about 20 feet up, operated by pulling a bit of string.  Bit fiddly and the comments from others on the towpath, but what bunches!   Cheers, Tony.


Bannerdown -we need a picture- why should passers by on the towpath have all the fun ;D

Elderberry port

4pts elderberries
5pts water
31/4 lb suger
4oz raisins
Yeast, nutrient, pectic enzyme
7floz brandy

Wash elderberries, place in stainless pan add the water & boil for 15 mins.
Strain and discard berries (can be used for light elderberry wine)
Add suger & raisins to hot liquid stir until the suger is dissolved and leave to cool.
Add yeast nutrient, pectic enzyme and yeast.
Ferment as per normal.
When matured bottle -adding 7 tsp of brandy to each bottle, should make 6 bottles.

I made this last year -forgot to add the brandy this year, but it did taste quite 'porty'. I couldn't bring myself to discard the berries so fermented with them in for 4 days, also didn't add the enzyme or nutrient, I used 3 lbs of berries.



I'm sitting here with a digital camera but do not have the techy' knowhow how to put piccies on the page.  Anyone care to take the time and lay down "Chapter and Verse" on how to do it, al in the layest of laymans terms.  Cheers, Tony.


Tony, ummmm  well, you have to get them transferred from the camera to the computer first! Then copy them and put them into a folder.I have mine in "My Computer", then to "my Documents", then "my Pictures". At the moment, Dan is running a link because of the show. If you start a thread, click on the link at the bottom (says browse) you should be able to browse your computer to look up your photo. Click on it and it will automatically attatch........hopefully! This is probably as clear as mud!! Sorry ::) DP
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


Oh and I forgot to say, another gallon of elderberry under way! Drank some of last years tonight.....delish!!! ;D
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


DP how many elderberries do you use/gallon, I find stripping them off the stalks takes an age -maybe I should do it in front of the telly.

I also need to find some more bushes PDQ



5lb berries per gallon, and 3lb sugar. Hubby likes to sit n pick em off. (wearing rubber gloves!)
When I do it I run through with a fork, my friend swears by an old "afro" comb to do hers!
Making another gallon today, and also runner bean and elderberry!! Will post the recipe! ;D
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


Easiest way to remove Elderberries from the "twigs" is to run them through the prongs of a kitchen fork, this normally leaves the unripe ones behind which is a bonus.  Cheers, Tony.


Finally got 2 gallons underway yesterday -I might make another if I can find some more elderberries. I've got my mum out scouring the charity shops for more demi-johns :)


(Blackberry next, maybe)


Jeremy we are up to 6 gallons now!! :o  Roll on 6 months ;D
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


Doris, you'll definately be rolling is 6 months  ;D


(Also thinking about cider -if I can find a cheap source of apples)


Have you tried the Car-Boots Jeremy,there are always plenty of Demi-Johns ,Wine making equipment at ours going for about 50p each.
Earth fills her lap with treasures of her own.


No, I'll have to give it a go, weekends tend to be pretty packed though, and it means getting up and into the car  :P


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