Asda SELL their waste ....?

Started by flossy, February 01, 2009, 08:18:21

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Quote from: dtw on February 01, 2009, 12:25:32
For recycling to work, manufacturers have to use 100% of recycled material.
If they don't it's obviously going to go to landfill.

Landfill will help with global warming anyway, making the country slightly higher to negate the effect of rising sea levels.  ;D

No unfortunately it won't......don't forget the Methane the landfill gives off is a 'greenhouse' gas!

The thing that's been bothering me recently is out of date prescriptions....what happens to all those unused drugs. I asked my local pharmacist and she said the stuff that was still in date went to 3rd world countries that needed them but she just said the rest was disposed of but she didn't know where.



Quote from: cornykev on February 01, 2009, 14:35:03
As already said there's no money in cardboard or plastic, I worked in paper recycling for fifteen years and watched the prices go up and down, at its peak carboard was worth £60 pound per tonne to the public and it didn't have to be clean, but that didn't last and it went down to £40 for clean cardboard for quite a few years,  then gradually went down until it was free to tip only. Our council only want plastic bottles in our recycle bin, the reason was that they are sent to a company who make fleeces with them, other plastics including food wrapping and yogurt cartons are advised to be thrown in the rubbish bags. Our rubbish goes to an Incinerator in En field and surrounding councils use the incinerator, hence no landfill but as Ace says what crap are they pumping into the atmosphere.    ???   :-\         ;D ;D ;D

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