Has anyone just had an area for cockrels?

Started by cocopops, February 07, 2009, 18:58:51

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We have ex-batts and getting more next month so we have no need for cockrels. 

I think cockrels have great personalities and the noise (she says!!) is not a problem.  I have a secure area in my garden that I could put a few cockrels in until I get one of my dogs tamed (know how to do this), and they can have the run of garden, but away from the hens..  Would it be ok to have more than one cockrel for a few weeks together or just the one.

Thanks Coco



A place for cockrels????? the pot?   ;)

Seriously, they do have fab personalities but I think putting two together may cause fighting and one alone wouldn't be very happy but it would be lovely to have one if noise is not an issue - how lucky you are  ;D


We have 2 cockerals,gorgie porgie who came one day and stayed(nowbody wanted him but he loves the girls,and henry that we bred we had 2 eggs hatched one was girl other boy!!Gergie porgi does chase him so we will have to seperate,but are ok at moment,but as i took some eggs and put under my brody hen last year how do i tell which is his mother as he is more like georgi porgie then girls but does have a bit of light brown flecks on top of his head,so could he be from my light brown coloured hens
Pauline :)


I have four cockerels that share an enclosure and they don't fight.  This, I think, is because they don't have any hens in there with them and they are all brothers born the same day so have grown up together.


BTW, cockrels not allowed on allotments (section 12 allotments act 1950) reinforced  by the Control of pollution act 1974 (as amended)  ;)
You couldn't make it up!


not a good idea to keep  mature cockrels together even siblings tend to fight in the end

why not keep a thingy bird in with youre ex battery hens he will keep a tight ship and warn the hens of impending dangers ie crows hawks ect

as for not been allowed to keep thingy birds on allotments i guess its down to different councils our allotments are allowed thingy birds and we have no problems with complains from nearby houses
all the best mal
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,
the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

Old bird

What is a thingy bird?  Trying to guess what you are on about!

I am sure that I want a thingy if I knew what it is!!

Old Bird



A thingy bird is one that someone with a sufficiently prurient imagination might possibly regard as obscene. In plain English, a cock.

How far are your allotments from houses? If nobody's going to be disturbed, you can probably get away with it.


ye thanks R B i was typing the c word but the filter on here must have substituted it  with thingy
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,
the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

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