NOT being morbid !.... how would you like your funeral to be, bet you have g

Started by flossy, February 21, 2009, 18:44:03

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Our allotments go round three sides of the local "municipal" cemetry... nice quiet neighbours, rarely complain and good free fertiliser to the plots lower down the site...  :-X



   Think I would like that saddad,  qiuet as you say, wildlife, lots of birds and a few flowers,

    can think of less tranquil places to have your lottie,   lucky you ,   :)

    floss xxx

Hertfordshire,   south east England


we've got the cemetery over our back fence! lovely quiet neighbours!! ;)
You couldn't make it up!


   Lovely tonybloke,  bet you don't get rubbish thrown over or ......  at least 10 footballs

   a year !      :D

floss xxx
Hertfordshire,   south east England


When I first started on the council, the department was Parks, Gardens and Cemeteries. So we all had to take our turns in digging the graves. When the council got a JCB I was the one that had done the training so for a few years it was all down to me to bury most of the Islands residents as they passed on.

Naturally if you took it all seriously you would be the most miserable sod alive, so pranks and jokes were everyday occurences to us.

I was filling in a grave that  was the last resting place for a nun and whacking down the last bit of soil with the digger bucket, I shouted to my mate 'I bet  that's the first time the earth has moved for her'.  He nodded to me to look behind. There were the rest of the convent waiting to lay flowers.

Nearly lost my job, but spent a lot more time in the gardens after that.


   Ace , you kill me  ;D   ooops really that was  ...  'his ' fault '    ::)

   Stay with the gardens Ace, hopefully  --  no Nuns   ;D

   floss xxx



Hertfordshire,   south east England


My funeral?

I don't want one. Just put me in a wicker basket  for decency's sake,  burn me, and dross me out over Wheeldale!

Maybe my family want some commemoration, so let them decide about that. I'll brew 4 gallons of Pale Ale they can sup!


i want to be buried in a cardboard coffin
i want going underground by the jam and The RIde of the Valkyries" from Die Walkure
i want my family to smile and joke and celebrate my life, not mourn my death.
this is only part of our journey and i will catch up with them in the next part.


I have a mate who's 5 foot small and one whos 6 foot four and I want them to be either side of the coffin, burn me and put the ashes in my compost bin.  ;D ;D ;D

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