Pigeon droppings safe to use or not

Started by upnorth, March 04, 2009, 11:30:49

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Can you add pigeon droppings to a compost bin plenty available from loft close to me  ???
Regards steve  upnorth ???


Tee Gee


But like chicken droppings it can be a bit too 'hot' for plants to handle directly so it wants composted well.

It will make a good compost activator!

Place it in layers between other materials you are composting e.g kitchen remains' and it will rot these down.

Keep the layers to about 3"-4" thick and this will spread the goodness around a bit.

You can also place it in a string/hessian bag and dangle it in your water tub and it will make a liquid fertiliser as wel!l although it might want diluting depending upon how much you use!

If the pigeon droppings are very dry take steps not to breathe in the dust it can be damaging to humans. Can't recall the disease it causes but I understand it can be quite serious, perhaps someone else might be able to fill us in on the subject!  Parrots & Budgies spring to mind ??? ???


Google "pigeon fanciers lung"...
small dust particles damage lungs... whatever their origin.


pigeon or dove dung was used as an activator for 'hot beds', as far back as the ancient egyptians! a very high source of nitrogen (the white bit). add to your compost heap!! ;)
You couldn't make it up!

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