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Started by tim, September 06, 2004, 17:27:38

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Three things, really. Was sure I'd started this elsewhere, but can't find it.

1. Looking back on AndyH's success, meant to ask if the harvest figures were this year, or including last year - eg pots & runners? If this year, when do the runners go in?
2. I moaned about curly beans some time ago but, since the rain, they are doing fine. Question - was the curl due more to poor pollination or drought?
3. Looking at some of the photos of runners, I reckon that some are left too long for prime eating. Or were they just to win a prize?? I do believe that when you can see the bean in the pod, they've gone too far, & its best just to take the beans out. These may be a little the other way, but all one loses is bulk. (Red Rum)       BTW - these are 10" beans. A fair size. = Tim



What few I've had have been very woody unless picked at the small & bendy stage -same for my neighbour, so it's not just a variety thing.



I think that the `curly` beans were probably a result of shortage of water.  My own runners went unwatered for a couple of weeks in July while I was otherwise engaged, and they were almost all curly and coarse.  As soon as I was able to start supplying their daily 2 pints per plant (rain or no rain)all the newly set beans grew straight and long.  The essence of good beans (and good setting) is moisture at the root and mine get watered every day rain or shine.

However, variety does make a difference.  Marshall`s Flare will produce long beans of quality into October, but I find that Red Rum, although starting early, by the end of August is producing beans which go coarse while still undersized, and, like tim, I usually strip out the beans themselves and throw the pods into the compost bin.


Hugh, when do Flare start to crop? Do they have a good flavour? I am dissapointed to find my runners, this year, finished cropping over a week ago, and so am looking for a longer season for next year Thanks DP
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.

Mrs Ava

I do tend to pick my runners when they are small so I don't have to de-string them or even top and tail them.  If they get huge then I do take the beans out of the pod and bin the pod.  Basically, if it is hard to get the knife into the bean, I bin them.

Sunset, a peach flowered variety, and a white flowered one I have, something like stutgart white giant, produce lovely long crunchy beans that seem to remain stringless even when very big.

My french beans were curly for a while, probably similar time to yours Hugh, and as I don't water, now after all the rain, we have lovely long straight beans again.  I do believe that all of the organic matter I dug into the bean trench, and all of the organic matter I threw over the bed just prior to planting really helped with the moisture content of the ground.

My runners are still going beserk and I could fill a bag almost daily.  I am a very popular neighbour at the moment.  Planning to slow down picking now to allow some to get lovely big beans which I can leave to dry for winter soups and stews.


I wonder what you lose by growing 'stringless' varieties? I've done so without thinking of the downsde for some years. If they are that good, why would anyone not have them? =  Tim

Andy H

Yes Tim, the amount so far is just this years crop(our first year) never grown a bean in our lives. In fact the only this I have grown is acne, sunflowers and debt!!!
I don`t know much and can be easily corrected but I think the curling is lack of water or regular supply. Rain is better than tap water but when we are having a dry spell I use two big buckets and tip them side by side and go along the row like that!
As for a trench, well one old timer said doesn`t bother and it was done more in the days when water had to be dragged from a pond instead of the nice modern tap.
I didn`t trench cos lazy and ground too hard so put layer of 6" manure/mush compo and roti in. Thats it! Most people are saying good year for bean at our plots but some were rubbish cos they went on hols at wrong time of year! I threw more manure on top when about 5ft tall and mowed all the grass between the plots so I could claim the grass and put loads on the beans as a mulch.

Our beans potted in greenhouse in mid april and planted out at end of may.

And yes I think that if you can see the beans then they should be picked by now, parrot gets the ones with beans in. Alas I keep getting moaned at for picking them too small cos there are too many to shred,blanch and pack every other day!!!


 :'( another failure for me this year - two of my six plants were eaten by slugs. two reached three foot and then died. the other two got to the end of their cane and then got what looks like halo blight.  :'(
gone to pot :D


How mean can life get? = Tim


Oh Aqui, bad luck :o.  I had one die but the others have done and are still doing outstanding duty, much to my surprise and contrary to everything else.


Got to agree with you Tim when Beans are showing through pod they are not worth eating.Only good to grow on as seed...
The way we used to get beans straight  for showing  was to grow them  at a right angle along  wires or poles ..As in like a long ladder
That way the beans grow a lot straighter as they hang down in space.
Have tried the stringless but found when passed their best were still stringy.
It is amazing how much water runners need to keep them growing and prevent them ripening. As in stopping growing and the beans starting to swell in pod.
I always test them prior to cutting them up, if they snap clean they usually ok for table if not They go back to lotty and on compost heap..
Nothing worse than stringy beans,,Jim

Cheers .. Jim


Have runner beans been a bit late this year? There were plenty of early flowers, but not early beans - mid-August for me.
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I had nearly finished cutting up the runners for last night`s dinner when I remembered this thread, so I grabbed the camera and…………

These are White Lady, and you will note that the longest is 14inches; every one passed Jim`s `snap` test (as all of my beans have to before they are used).  I particularly like this variety because I can get 8 or more developed beans per truss â€" unlike many varieties which only develop 5 or 6 (the remainder usually wither and drop off)…

The large curved bean in the background is, of course, as a result of not hanging clear of the foliage â€" this usually happens when the tip of a newly set bean rests on a lower leaf and the end curls up.   Indications are that I shall still be picking into October

Aquilegia â€" I have been unable to grow Flare this year because Marshalls were out of stock by early January â€" hence the White Lady â€" so order early.  However, when I grew it last year my first picking was in the first week of August, and the last one in the first week of October. Even then there were more beans but they were becoming rather coarse.

Sorry about the oversized pics - miscalculated the pixels


You big show-off!!!

We hope for 25 July - but this year was late. = Tim

Andy H

just added up the list of weighings and it is about 93lb so far. We have one plot width of runners and on the way out I noticed someone has 4 widths!!! Must like beans... :o


Hugh - I like the idea of large trusses. Hadn't noticed that about White Lady - must give her another try.

Andy?? Speechless. Do you have some other employ?? = Tim

Andy H

try in simple english Tim...What?

Forgot to pick beans yesterday so many to do tonight.
11.75lb a few too big so into parrot cage for them!


Andy............ :o  :o  :o What type of beans are they??????
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


Runners, Doris?  Sorry!

And sorry, Andy - I mean you have time for a job as well? Or  are you happily retired like us lucky ones?  I note the bottle close to hand to help you along. You obviously know your onions! = Tim

Andy H

Tim, other half said that is what you meant! I am cab driver doing about 60hrs/wk and other half works at fish packing and similar hrs(but a few less!!!) mainly weekends at plot. tonight I just popped down for 5 mins and bunged gallon on pumpkin! Mind you, mother-in-law and I spent quite a while picking beans last night! I bought ONE home tonight and held it up at window to scare them, said the other 8lb were in the boot.
Doris, not sure what breed the beans were but Becky will let you know when she gets in, Pink Lady was one I think?

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