Secret santas wearing a Bunny outfit!

Started by mummybunny, March 26, 2009, 15:32:23

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Well as some of you know i did not receive a secret Santa gift at Christmas. I thought it had been lost in the post as things do sometimes.

Well today my pressies arrived and i just wanted to say THANK YOU to my secret Santa/Easter bunny. I know who they are and the reasons why. I will let them reveal if they want to.

My food for free book will come in very handy when were out on the family walks i actually be able to point things out to the kids and amaze them with my knowledge  ;D And the other book How to grow your own food will indeed help me on my plight to a happy veg patch.

The little notes were a lovely personal touch  ;D

Thankyou so much.




Oooooh, what was the food for free book, sounds fab, I have two small girls and would love to do eating walks with them!


Nice one Lucy I bet it made your day, it made me smile, never let it be said that we don't have the best postal system in the world.  ;D ;D ;D


reddyreddy its a collins gem called Food for free. I had a read through last night very impressed. Its a guild to over 100 edible plants berries muchrooms seaweed and shellfish with pictures. Tells you when to gather what to pick and how to cook it. Even recipes  ;D

It certainly did make my day cornykev  ;D


Have to hold my hand up and admit it was me.. long story but I rushed off to Holland before Christmas leaving a friend to post stuff for me when the time came,,she in turn gave it to a relative(of dubious character) and guess what.. anyway I finally e mailed  mummybunny to see is anything turned up late..not... so I sent another one,,with a wee extra from the Easter Bunny.

Better late than never springs to  mind, just could not take off accross the pond with it nagging in my head so had to reveal myself to find out.

Have a good read sweetie..

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Is that by Richard Mabey? I remember it as a good book, I should get a copy.


.... and there was me thinking this thread would have pictures of the OP in revealing clothing..... I really need to find other uses for the internet.....


I'm glad you said that Chris... I've been having a quiet smirk at the thought for a week or so and manfully refusing to comment...  ::)

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