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Growbag watering

Started by jellied, April 10, 2009, 21:51:41

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Thought I'd give growbags a go this year. I was going to buy 6 grow bag rings - these surround each plant and let you water them/keep slugs out.

I found them here

But at £15 for 3 them seem very expensive, and alas I can't find on them on ebay. Had a sniff around and found them here for£10 for three. search under Growpots

So - are these really needed? Is there a better/cheaper solution?



yyour having a laarf £15...........Cut the bottom out of a plantpot
When you wake up on a morning say "good morning world" and be grateful



Rather what I thought! :o A £5 for 3 would be about right - quite a neat cutting edge etc etc.


you may be a king or a little street sweeper but sooner or later you dance with de reaper.


4 pint plastic milk bottle (or a big coke bottle etc.... drill small hole in cap and screw back on, cut bigger hole in base. invert and push into the compost, one per station. Fill the bottle every morning and again when you get home from work (height of the summer BTW).....


Try 1 litre bottles from fruit squash drinks. cut offbottom, remove cap, and push intogrowbage before planting up. Just top them up as needed.


No, Jellied, not needed, but some growers - Simpsons for one - used them professionally.

Not just a watering device - more a better way of feeding.

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