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Sowing sweet pea seeds

Started by Flighty, April 18, 2009, 16:57:42

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I'm going to sow some sweet pea seeds direct in the ground during  next week and wondered whether to...

1) sow them directly from the packet
2) soak them overnight and discard the ones that haven't swollen
3) nick the seeds with a sharp knife

Any preferences or suggestions would be most welcome.  Thanks.

Flighty's plot,,  is my blog.

I support the Gardening with Disabilities Trust,


Flighty's plot,,  is my blog.

I support the Gardening with Disabilities Trust,


I sow them straight from the packet and they have always came up fine.

But have heard others talk of using either of the other two options Flighty.


when ive started them at home ive started them in loo rolls and given them a good soaking and kept them moist till they germinated, im guessing as long as they didnt dry out in the ground theyd be fine?
i think i like it here :D now who can tell me how to grow my own chocolate???


I sowed 25 sweet-pea seeds in a heated propagator this year and not one germinated.  I ended up buying my sweet-pea plants from the lottie shop ::) ::)
All you do and all you see is all your life will ever be


I have used own seed from last year and just put in compost in greenhouse most have germinated


I sowed my spring lot about 2 weeks ago and they're just poking thru already - no soaking, no nicking.

Put 5 seeds in every 3 1/2 inch pot, 20 pots. I'll plant them out in a couple of weeks using a bulb planter to make a hole and then just drop the lot into the hole.

( All nicking does is make your thumbs sore  :()
Maximus, Procerus, Vegetus


Anyone else have any preferences or suggestions? Thanks!
Flighty's plot,,  is my blog.

I support the Gardening with Disabilities Trust,


I'd go for option two... although I used to nick hard seed like SP's and Morning Glory I've found the soak just as effective...  :)


started mine last year on march 1st..... in loo rolls. didn't like the method much, loo rolls went mouldy.
So I have sown direct to the pots I grew s/peas in last year, in same compost but added about 3 inches of homemade compost out of the bin. sown about a week ago. will let you know how they do

Tee Gee

I guess you intend sowing the directly into the soil?

If so form your drill soak the bottom of it, sow the seeds at 2 per 6" intervals and cover, and thats it!

After they germinate I would pull out the weakest seedling although this is not essential as you can grow two up the same cane.

If you find that you have gaps in the row due to seed germination failure, you could use the spare seedling to transplant into the location that has missed.


 When you sow into the soil make your trench then water the trench before you sow.
I sowed mine in loo rolls no nicks no soaking, all came up in about 10days. ;D


Do not throw away the seeds that do not swell,  They are the ones that need the seed to be scratched.  They can be the most interesting colours. 


I use the sowing method detailed on "Eagle Sweet Peas" website, this year out of 24 seeds sown 23 plants.

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