More November colour

Started by Palustris, November 13, 2004, 10:05:41

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These were all taken on Thursday November 11th.
Gardening is the great leveller.


Gardening is the great leveller.


Eric, as always all I can say is WOW.. :o  Its amazing that things that should have stopped flowering now havent.  Also that things that shouldnt be flowering yet are.
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


OK, OK s'not fair!!! I really, really HAVE to come live with you!!!!!! Can't stand this any longer - am soooooooo jealous I think I'm going to stay green for the rest of my life.  :'( :'(

A wonderfu selection of photographs Eric. It cheered me up just to look at them. I've filed them away so that I can take a note of the names next time I visit a nursery or garden centre as there are some there that I simply MUST have.



Life is like nectar sweet but sometimes sticky.


Had a look round my garden while raking up leaves and spruce cones. Very little by way of flowers. Only wallflowers, rudbeckias, hollyhocks, tom thumbs (ones I missed), sunflowers, montbretias and AURICULAS (second flowering). I notice you have a yellow jasmine out. I have one very similar, but it flowered early spring.
Strangely enough the epimedium has failed to change colour yet!


What can I say Eric - absolutely blooming beautiful ;D  Amazing how much is still in bloom.  My Schizostylis are still going strong, and the occasional clematis - but I can add one to your list and that is a beautiful  blue delphinium.  Don't have a pic of it unfortunately - oh yes, and a hebe which is still in bloom, oh yes.....and a deep mauve penstemon.

I think you will have to have an open day Eric so we can all come and see your lovely garden :D

Happy gardening all...........Pat


Nice one Eric

I too have coppied all your photos for reference.. and struck by them all but the honeysuckle berries.. is a deffo for me to grow next year,, thanks Eric



full of admiration, Palustris. particularly like the geranium and yellow crocosmia.
honeysuckle berries look a treat at this time of year. when i work out how to post photos, i have one of the berries against the ivy on which it is growing, all covered slightly by a dusting of snow....against the sky.

your iris foetidus: i have this but they have not 'berried'-is it a question of age, or of being settled? mine were split from my parents 1 or 2 years ago. they had a flower this year, look healthy-but no berries. they did 'berry' before in their original position???


Oh Eric what stunning photos! Thank you so much for sharing!
The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way... (William Blake)


It's amazing you still have so much in flower. strop!
gone to pot :D

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