Basic question about weeding around me raspberries

Started by newspud9, July 06, 2009, 12:36:10

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Sorry - this is a bit basic but your answers could be the difference between more back-breaking digging - or a quiet beer.   I said in an earlier message that I've got a raspberry patch.  I've removed all the weeds that have been left to grow between the canes - so now I can actually see the whole thing.  What's left though is loads of nobbly bits (getting technical here) of mounds of straw stubble.  Do i have to dig these out or can they be left to .... do whatever they do when they're left.   Thanks to all.



I'm not sure what you mean by straw stubble.  Rather than pulling the weeds up, have you just cut them off at ground level?  If so, and if they are perennial weeds (like couch grass) they'll just grow back because you've left the roots intact.

Raspberries are very shallow rooted so getting out weeds that have taken over is tricky.  If you dig it over, you'll damage the roots.  I would get down on my hands and knees and ease the clumps out with a hand fork as gently as possible.  That's probably not what you wanted to hear  ;) 


mulch it

summer mulch is agood idea anyway  - ideally after a period of rain

pull the weeds and all the stuff out as it emerges through the mulch -saves the backbereaking work amd adoesn't damage the crop.

autumn - after the plants go dormant lightly fork out any perrenials and then winter mulch and so the cycle goes


I'll try to explain better - its like clumps of densely packed growth, looking like straw, and sitting in small mounds of earth just above ground level. 90% of what I've cleared are tall (6' high) grasses and nettles... so maybe its some remnants of that.   Looks like its a hand and knees job after all.


Tee Gee

QuoteWhat's left though is loads of nobbly bits (getting technical here) of mounds of straw stubble.

Depends on what they are!

For example if they are the stubs of cut down raspberry canes then you should be able to have that beer...............BUT!!!

If it is the stubble from the grasses you have removed then I would say; you have a lot of work on your hands this autumn :'(

I hope I am wrong but it sound like the stubble of 'couch grass' and if it is, it will be entwined around the roots of the canes meaning;........... to get rid of it you will have to lift your raspberry canes and clean around the root system.

Lets hope it is the former example!!


  Probably not the ideal solution newspud 9, but after this years crop I would

  clear the plot of all weeds--  all weeds, so that means plenty work to get rid of the couch grass

  ---   If it comes to it, would start again with the raspberries too,    you can then dig around !!!

  for a variety that suits you, autumn or summer fruiting  ---  growing methods and cropping will be


   floss xxx
Hertfordshire,   south east England


Thanks to all... I think... no, really.   I'll definitely dig it all out though not happy to think I might have to replant the fruit.... clearing their roots sounds like root canal.  I took the plot on in March, still trying to get to grips with it and so the only crop was the inherited raspberries.  I think I'll have the beer anyway and work out a plan. 
Flossy - you're not anywhere near Hertford are you?


  Erm ,    yes newspud,   but erm ---   don't dig no more !          ;D

  floss xxx
Hertfordshire,   south east England


No offence intended... only digging I do is strictly on the allotment...


  Of course non taken newspud 9 [ sorry have been away ],

  Would gladly have come and helped if I could of,  what did you decide to do

  about your raspberries in the end ?

   floss xxx
Hertfordshire,   south east England

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