last years blackcurrant wine - forgotten about ..........

Started by Gail-M, July 13, 2009, 10:44:37

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i wonder if anyone can tell me if the blackcurrant wine i made last year and put in demijohn and then forgot about - so did not bottle it, etc  is safe to bottle and drink now or is only fit to be thrown away ?????

this was my first attempt at wine making

thanks gail



Taste it and find  A small taste should tell you to be honest.

If it has cleared then it is almost certainly all right.  No one can ever be 100% certain of anything but I think the worst that could happen is that you will have a blackcurrant vinegar.

I have kept wine in a demijohn for a few years in the past. The hole was plugged so that no air got in and it was fine. It is only like a gallon bottle.

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