Base for a shed advice please x

Started by Dana, July 31, 2009, 20:52:01

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Hi lovely peopsters :)

I don't know if you rmember me, got the strimming done we are still moving rubbish of the plot  ::) Had a meeting at the plot with the Council they couldn't believe how much rubbish there was, fly tipping  ::) they have now agreed that that they will bring in a JCB  with a team of men and remove it all.  ;) ;D Thank goodness. How much would a base cost for a 8 x6 base cost please? Oh and what is a good price for putting up the shed. I must say at this point I am not very good at DIY  ::) :( Any help please xxx I



Sorry, i can't help you with pricing as i have built my own.

Have you made sure you are allowed to use concrete on your plot and the size of shed you are allowed?



hi dana ,glad to hear things are going ok.with regard to a shed base i spose it depends how much you want to spend.The most expensive would be a proper concrete base , or you  could use slabs ,railway sleepers or even 4"x 4" timber ,price of fitting it again down to money ie proffessionals or peeps you know ? not a lot of help i know ,but i always try to do things as cheap as poss on lotty.


You can rake the surface as even as you can get it, put a layer of sand, and some paving slabs.

Mind you - I still don't know how much that would cost, so I'm not answering your question! sorry!  ::)

When it comes to labour costs for putting up the shed (I'm guessing that's what you mean when you ask how much for putting it up), they seem to vary so much from town to town - maybe best to call 3 or 4 places (any firms of handymen or women in the phone book?) and get quotes.

But labour is usually so expensive - would it be nicer to offer a bit of money or a nice picnic to friends or neighbours and ask them to help you do it?


Hi Dana,

I used concrete building blocks to stand my shed on. If your shed is basically the same you will find wooden struts that run the length of your shed base. you should have about three or four struts under the base. For an 8' long shed base i would use four blocks for each strut. You should be able to pick these up cheap if not free. You then just need a piece of straight timber and a spirit level.


I put a load of old bricks down then put 6 pallets on top of them and then built the  shed on the pallets and used the mark 1 spirit level(eyeball)shouldn't take anyone more than 2hrs to put the shed up.
B&Q do a slab for £1-58(400x400mm or just short of 16"square ish)for a 8x6 shed to cut costs I would use around 12 slabs £18-96p(4 rows of 3) then sit the corner of the pallets on the slabs then put the shed on the pallets,ask some of your allotment neighbours for a hand to put the base and shed up offer them something,you could show them your responses to your post
I'm not the Messiah - I'm a very naughty boy."


I'm with pigeonseed my OH has put up/rebuilt loads of sheds & greenhouses on our site just for the enjoyment and the odd bottle of wine.People often get stuck in on the lottie even when they don't know you well.Our first shed was put up by lottie neighbours (before OH had honed his skills)Ask around ;)
sanity is overated

Mr Smith

            To put my base down (paving slabs) and to erect my shed with a felt roof which is a 6'x4' took me about three hours, ask around I'm sure you will get some help rather than pay out your hard earned money, :) 


Many thanks for your kind replies, and the super diagram Buster54.  My friend that is working the lottie will be able to do the base from the diagram.  You are right the fellow allotmenters are all friendly, we will ask Lou he knows everyone, he will spread the word for us.   :)


I was just about to suggest asking around at your plots, there's usually someone who knows someone. Anyway, well done so far. Hope you are making time for tea (beer /wine!) breaks  :)


I'd be inclined to raise it off the ground to discourage rats.

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