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Forum trolls

Started by Baccy Man, November 03, 2009, 22:53:26

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I'm with frogslegs & grawc, stormy it may be but it is only a teacup!

Lushy x
Make mine a large one!


Make mine a large one!


Why waste time,breath and energy on him ??
If you met him in real life and did not like what he was saying you would just walk away so why not do it on line ?

Baccy Man

If anyone has a thread they have started significantly interrupted which they would like to drop out of site then they can lock it by pressing the button which should be at the bottom of the page or by ticking the "Lock this topic" box in "Additional Options" when they make a reply to the thread.
It is only the person who originally started the thread & admins who can lock threads.


Quote from: grawrc on November 04, 2009, 11:00:22
Of the 145 threads started in edible plants over the last month 15 have been started by the person in question. Of these I have been interested in 12, which I had been following  until they were sidetracked by members who weren't interested and expressed their lack of interest by posting off topic and in very negative terms. (From the high number of hits on most of these topics, other people also appear to have been interested.)

Other similar threads such as Aggie's on chillies and Squash 64's on runner beans have not been subjected to this treatment.

My problem is that I would like to post on some of the threads but now feel that to do so would be interpreted as "feeding the troll". I shall, however, continue to respond to these topics if I have something to contribute.

If I find a thread boring or offensive I move on to the next one. If a particular individual offends me I hit the ignore button. What is so difficult about that? The whole thing,imo, is a storm in a teacup.


Myself, I don't understand why members are finding it so hard to ignore someone who is obviously so annoying.  A sly dig here, an innuendo there, for the love of holy moly, use your ignore button and let the forum settle down and be what it used to be.  So you don't like a certain members posts (NONE of us do for the most part) then skip it and continue reading the bits you do like.  A hefty amount of threads have had to be locked and moved which probably contained some interesting information to some.  I'm receiving many PMs a day (I can't speak for Ceres or Dan) asking ME when it will stop and how A4A is not as nice as it used to be because of all this hoo haa.  It will stop when you let it!


I would like to know why his behaviour has been deemed acceptable.

I am on a few forums and ignore button or not the mods have banned the persistant trolls.

I understand that only in the most serious cases a ban should be made but how much proof do you need?

My own feeling is that by allowing him to stay you are saying that his behaviour is OK.Not you personally as it is Dan that has the authority.

I think you will end up with a forum of very few people if this is allowed to carry on much longer.


I understand what you are saying, Betula and it has also been the case on other forums I frequent.  I think a three strikes and you're out rule is quite fair.

I can't speak for Dan but he's always had a very relaxed attitude on A4A, allowing members to pretty much mod themselves.  Perhaps he was hoping members would get bored and just blank the man with multiple names and it would all die down.  Unforunately it doesn't seem to be the case this time though.


SamLouise  I have been attacked   by several posters numerous times in rude and abusive manner. I did not start this but if  comes to it I finish it.
If anyone of the posters who is involved continues to call me a troll or is rude or abusive to me I will have respond in manner that fits actions. They have been warned by dan to stop. If they do not I will be forced to take action that will stop them.
Have pleasant day.


samlouise, the problem is a lot of people who are either new or ignorant of his game won't ignore him so he's always going to be there clogging up the board. I know his history is he has a gripe with someone on a4a but I wonder, is it Dan as he is the only one who will lose out if people get fed up and leave Dan will jbe left with a forum with very very few senior members with advice worth hearing, the rest will be elsewhere! No matter what he says about being picked on he fulfills every criteria of a classic forum troll and should be dealt with as such, he is also making veiled threats and for that alone should be banned.


reddyreddy what plan doing to them simple I plan getting them arrested for internet abuse.





the previous poster is troll and try to disrupt the board.




Baccy Man

Thread locked while things settle down.

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