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Nokia sat nav

Started by greenfists, January 26, 2010, 13:30:44

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For those of you with certain Nokia phones. They have updated their OVI maps and its now free including a very good sat nav. Ive downloaded it and its very good.
Try here
If only works with certain top end phones but worth a look.
If you haven't got green fingers then use your fists.


If you haven't got green fingers then use your fists.


Just picked it up for my N95... nice to see that they're now letting you have the voice stuff for free..... Some people can';t see the point of modern smartphones, but I find that the whole "never being lost" thing is hard to beat.... first had it (with hooky software and a 50 quid bluetooth GPS receiver) on my Mk1 N-Gage.... even on that tiny screen it was obvious that it would soon be a killer app for smartphones.... I'm hoping that they'll sort it out for the N900 soon as that's what I'm likely to replace the N95 with...



Ta Greenfists - the OH has a mini 97 - useful link.
Thinking of getting a N900 as I am out of contract..
Anyone got one??
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!

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