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Saved squash seeds

Started by lottiedolly, February 09, 2010, 09:29:18

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Hi guys, need some advice

I have saved somes seeds from the turks turban squash i grew last year, now can i sow them or would they be useless for saving as the squash was an F1 variety





They won't be useless.... they won't be predictable either :D.... didn't know TT was an F1 though, it's a pretty old variety (just cos a variety says hybrid in its name doesn't mean it's an F1, there's an ancient variety of squash still known as "Essex Hybrid" which is in no way an F1, it was the result of a hybrid many years ago, but it's open pollinated....




I have saved some seeds from a shop bought Butternut Squash type, I know that it may not come true to type (because of the open pollination chance) but its free seed and i'm curious to see what it might produce. ;D
Please don't be offended by my nickname 'Mortality'
As to its history it was the name of a character I played in an online game called 'Everquest'
The character 'Mortality Rate' was a female Dark Elf Necromancer, the name seemed apt at the time and has been used alot by me over the years.


Commercially grown ones can come true... as there is little chance for cross pollination in a field situation... equally they can be sterile...   :-X


Quite true saddad.... I'd expect uk grown butternuts to be an F1 like Hunter or Harrier... but both parents are butternuts so you're going to end up with a tan neck-group moschata (assuming not sterile)..... whether it will be early enough to crop is another matter......

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